GREG MILLER is our Program Chairman next week. We will have a speaker, and there will be a slide presentation, but that's about all we know about it at this point. Mystery program.
President Elect TERRY SCHAR presided at this weeks meeting. RAY THIMKE led the sonq, and MICHELE SCHMALTZ gave the invocation. Herschel Rotter was a guest with AL GOLDSTEIN.
We extended our deepest sympathy to JOHN ESCH. DOROTHY ESCH passed away recently after a long illness.
PHIL INGWELL did receive the Lion's State Conventions endorsement and support to run for Lion's International Director. There are over a million Lions worldwide, but only 31 International Directors. So, it's an honor, but also a lot of hard work to get to be a director. There are other candidates of course, but no others from Wisconsin. PHIL thanked our club for it's support, and in particular those members who helped at the convention, manning the booth, and other chores. They are BILL WILCOX, ROSS ROYSTER, ALEX REISDORF, JOHN BARD, JERRY HODDINOTT, GLENN HOLMES, JOHN JENSON, and DEAN JOHNSON.
GLENN HOLMES reported on the cash won by members at the recent State Bowling tournament. In doubles DEAN JOHNSON, and DENNIS URECH, who used to be a club member, but now with the McFarland Lions, won $33.00. JOHN JENSON and JERRY HODDINOTT won $26.00.
GLENN also reported that 44 members have signed up for the June 1st Golf Outing at Windsor. If you haven't signed up yet, call GLENN at 266-5674. He will make up the foursomes for tee off time between 11:00 A.M. and noon. If you have your own foursome or prefer to play with someone , or to not play with someone, you had better call him pretty quick.
The Oregon Lion's Club is also having a Golf Outing. It's on June 12th and if you want info on it, call TERRY SCHAR at 256-9017.
MARSHALL FLAX gave to our club a Certificate of Appreciation, very nice, even framed, from the G.W. Stephens Elementary School. This was for our club's payment for eye glasses for some of their students. This was presented to MARSHALL at a school P.T.A. meeting.
JERRY MILLER was collecting on the pledges made to the Briar Patch Bike-A-Thon. If you were not in attendance this week, we are sure JERRY will accept your donation next week or you could send a check to him at 5041 Hardy Trail, Waunakee, Wi. 53597.
ALEX REISDORF says that next week is Lion's May Birthday celebration day, so the folowing should be sure to bring an appropriate gift for the drawing. IRV BRAUN, STEVE BRIGGS, KEVIN KING, MAURY PASCH, DAN STOUDT, and HENRY TURVILLE.
BOB BOHN introduced our speaker Steven Schultz from A-1 Lock Security Co. He talked about the American Disabilities Act, High Security locks, and Safes. Steven has been a locksmith for 14 years, and is a member of the Associated Locksmiths of America. The ADA act covers items like the width of doors, the fact that your business places have to have handles instead of door knobs to open doors, the speed of automatic door openers, etc. You don't have to rebuild your building, but it does have to accomodate handicapped workers or users. For security you can get locks with keys that cannot be duplicated. These are mostly foriegn makes, as hardware stores, etc, cannot get the required blanks. He also discussed different type safes, whether or not you are primarily interested in burglary protection, or merely fire protection.