KEVIN KUCERA is our Program Chairman next week. Our speaker will be Rich Armstrong a member of the Madison Area Citizens Against Crime. His topic will be Mayor Soglin's proposed hand gun ban. Don't know what side the M.A.C.A.C. is on, but I'll betcha it gets a lot of discussion. That seems to be one subject on which people are either for or against, no in between. Don't miss it.
Lion President JERRY HODDINOTT presided at this week's meeting. JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and JOHN BARD gave the invocation. Guests were Lioness PEG LEDFORD, with RANDY JABLONIC, and MICHELLE LUKEN 's guest was Michele Schmaltz with the Stark Company. Michelle has an application pending for membership. Great! Let's have some more guests, prospective members get free lunch.
I want to thank TERRY SCHAR for more than ably filling in for your bulletin editor the past three weeks. The southwest is nice temperature wise, some areas have spectacular scenery, like Grand Canyon, but overall, I guess I am partial to green grass, and trees with leaves, and a river that actually has water in it. It is nice to leave for awhile, but even nicer to get back.
Rose Chairman ROSS ROYSTER would like to know if you have any big changes in your selling estimates, that is, a lot more carnations or roses than you originally figured. Info needed by next week in case our orders have to be changed.
JIM SCHUTZ says the warehouse for roses will be at the same place as last year. That is at the corner of Raywood Rd. and Broadway across the road from South Towne Shopping Center. Watch for our map later.
DON GOLEMBIEWSKI, Sight Conservation Chairman, says there will be a committee meeting next Tuesday at 11:30 AM at the Edgewater bar.
If you are going to the Lions International Convention & want to know who your room mate will be, please call President JERRY. Also JERRY has 27D-1 District pins for $3.00 each.
JODI BURMESTER again passed around a sign up sheet to help man our eye donor booth. The booth will be in the Dane County Coliseum in conjunction with the Copps' Indoor Carnival/. The dates are April 7th through the 10th from noon to 10 P. M. Two hour shifts. Actually, in talking to JODI, it seems most slots are filled except for Saturday.
The March 17th bulleing listed the nominees for next year's officers. MICHELLE LUKENS for Lion Tamer was left off. If it had been for TailTwister, that omission would probably have been intentional. Sorry about that, MICHELLE.
Ex-TailTwister I. Y. Stein was substitute TT today. He was a one term TT. Anyway, he did call attention to the fact that BOB FOX was named in the Capital Times as "Today's Hero", picture included, for his volunteer work. Unfortunately, the article did not mention the Lions Club, but did cite his work with the Meals on Wheels, Red Cross, and Motor Vehicle Dept. Information Desk. Congratulations!
Another substitute, JOHN JENSON for MANNY VOELTZ, conducted the Lionistic Birthday's celebration. LEN (ANDY) ANDERSON couldn't make it today, but did send a gift. RICH MATZELLE, who seems to win one every time, came up with a miniature "Weiner Wagon" courtesy of Oscar Mayer Co. and AL BECKER.
STEVE BRIGGS introduced his neighbor, and today's speaker, Russ Whitacre. Russ is an events managter for Oscar Mayer Co. and is in charge of the six Weiner Wagons currently touring the country promoting Oscar Mayer wieners. Russ is probably also a great salesman, his presentation was very entertaining, funny and informative. Too bad if you missed it.