Next week will be the kick off for our Rose Day sale. Also we will be making a contribution, our first payment to the Eye Bank for their new microscope. This is a special microscope that costs a bundle. Some one from the Eye Bank will be in attendance to accept our check.

Lion President JERRY HODDINOTT presided at this week's meeting. JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and GUY EICHSTEADT gave the invocation. Guests were Attorney Bob Caflisch, and George Elder, both guest of TERRY SCHAR. Not a guest, but long time no see, JIM WARTINBEE.

President JERRY said there is a pasta feed to be put on by the Cross Plains Lions Club on March 7th. Call JERRY for details if interested. Also, a meeting was held at Sherman School relative to forming a Leo Club at that school. Sherman School principal John Daley, who was our speaker a few weeks ago, is very supportive to having a Leo Club. District Leo Club coordinator LARRY MALLAT from Beloit was at the meeting. ROSS ROYSTER, KAREN WEILAND, and JODI BURMESTER have agreed to be counselors. We need more.

MICHELLE LUKENS reminds us that Casino Night is this Saturday, Feb. 20th, Radisson Inn,517 Grand Canyon Dr. Dealers should be there at 6:00 PM for lessons, the rest of you at 7:00. Don't forget to bring some prizes, there is a very nice "Grand Prize" also, but it is not a free cruise. Call MICHELLE to sign up.

JOHN JENSON reported on the District Convention held last weekend. There were some very good presentations made on the Lions Camp, on Youth Exchange, and on the Eye Bank by PDG PETER CERNIGLIA. PETE mentioned Madison Central Lions several times, gave us a lot of credit for our financial support to the Eye Bank. Other District news, our new elected District Governor is MIKE TIBER of Dodgeville. Verona will have the District Softball Tournament, and Cottage Grove will host bowling.


Attorney Tim Casper was introduced by Program Chairman RICK GORDON. Mr. Casper, a partner with Gary Gorman in Gorman International, talked about building single family homes in Poland He also showed slides of the Warsaw area which were pretty depressing. Lots of high rise apartments which are owned as cooperatives by the Polish people. They pretty much all look alike, very few trees, pretty bleak. Anyway, it was decided by them to try to build in Poland because Poland seems to be the most stable of the ex communist countries. Lots of problems with contractors. Most buildings over there are of stone or block construction, carpenters to build frame homes are hard to find, but one home did get built, 1800 square feet to sell for $80,000.00. It was a learning process, and hopefully things will get better, and a little easier in time.

A note to our Tail Twister GEORGE ALBRIGHT. Seems that ROSS ROYSTER made a special presentation of his late birthday gift to MARK FEMAL at the last Board meeting. Rumor has it this was done to avoid paying a delivery charge to the T.T. We think that should be corrected.

When paying your dues, please mail to MARK FEMAL's home address, or give your check to President JERRY at our noon meetings.