Our Program Chairman next week is RICK GORDON. Our speaker will be Atty. Tim Casper of Madison who will talk on "An American (Businessman) In Poland." What it's like to do business in Eastern Europe.
Lion President JERRY HODDINOTT presided at this week's meeting. RAY THIMKE led the song, and RICK GORDON gave the invocation. Guests were Sally Griffen with DEAN JOHNSON, and Lion GENE MILLER of the Middleton Lions Club, with DICK POMO.
We do have one bowling team signed up for the District Tournament on March 14th in Beloit. We can enter another team, so if interested contact President JERRY.
On February 11th, President JERRY will meet at Sherman Middle School about forming a Leo Club there. More about that next week.
MICHELLE LUKENS reminds us about Casino Night for Lions on Saturday Feb. 20th. It is at the Radisson Inn, 517 Grand Canyon Dr. Starts at 7:00 PM. Cost is $5.00 for Lions, there is a $5.00 meal credit, and $10.00 for guests. There will be hot and cold Hors D'Oeuvres, prizes, and gambling with funny money. The more funny money you accumulate, the more prizes you get. It would be appreciated if you could bring a prize, it would also be nice to advise MICHELLE about it, cards, six pack, whatever. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so by calling MICHELLE.
Membership Chairman ROSS ROYSTER inducted a new member today, some on he has known for a number of years. Our newest Lion is MARY A. KEYES, 404 Algoma St. 53704. She is a Chiropractic Assistant for Family Chiropractic Clinic at 2205 N. Sherman Ave. MARY has worked with ROSS for eight years, and is in the process of writing a cookbook. It's all about "sweets", cookies, and other good stuff. MARY will be on the Program, and Sight Conservation committees.
Don't forget February Lion's Birthdays next meeting. Your names were in the bulletin last week.
Program Chairman KEVIN KUCERA introduced our speaker, Attorney Tom Dixon. Mr. Dixon is running for the new municipal judgeship. The court has been running for about six months with an appointed judge, who cannot run for the office as the appointment was just temporary. Mr. Dixon, a 1971 U.W. graduate has practiced law for 21 years. He says he has never employed an illegal alien.. He grew up in Waukesha, and is a Vietnam veteran. He talked about what cases the new court will handle, most are cases that were considered too minor to be properly handled in the county court system, like traffic offenses, snow removal violations, dogs in parks, school truancy. The last one is getting to be a real problem in Madison.
Please try to remember to return the Rose Day delivery maps back to GREGG MILLER.
Tail Twister GEORGE ALBRIGHT presented us with an optical illusion on a sheet of paper today. The first table to figure out the phrase hidden therein was not fined. But as this is a family publication the phrase cannot be repeated here. An optical illusion is, according to Webster, "A sensory impression that results in misinterpretation of the true character of an actual object." Sounds like a description of our T.T.