DON GOLEMBIEWSKI is our Program Chairman two weeks from today, that is January 26, 1993.
Our next meeting on the 19th is at the Heritage House, 385 E. Washington Ave., at 6:30 PM for the annual Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner. We do have a speaker, Mike Leckrone, the U. of W's famous marching band leader. He will keep you awake. There is no noon meeting, and you will receive a meal credit for the dinner. So it really won't cost you anything. If for some reason you have not signed up, you do not have to call anyone for a reservation. One good thing about the Heritage House, is that they always have plenty of good for a few more guests. So let's have a good turnout of Lions to show these young Eagle Scouts that their efforts are appreciated, and honored.
Lion President JERRY HODDINOTT presided at this week's meeting. RAY THIMKE led the song, nice tie, and MANNY VOELTZ gave the invocation. Guests were Dick Pomo, who has applied for membership, and Jody Burmester, both with JIM RUNDELL, and Karen Weiland with TERRY SCHAR.
No bulleting next week, so you Lions who have Lion's Birthdays in January will have to remember to bring a gift for the drawing on January 26th, in two weeks. Chairman ALEX REISDORF says the following have January birthdays. THAYER BURNHAM, OTTO FESTGE, AL GOLDSTEIN, RANDY JABLONIC, DEAN JOHNSON, BOB SMITH, DAVE TOUSSAINT, JAMES WARTINBEE, JR., and DAVID JOHNSTON.
Lion's District Convention is Feb. 12th and 13th at the Holiday Inn Southeast. A sign up sheet was circulated today, if you can, try to get there, as it is being held in Madison, we should have a full slate of delegates.
Other dates: Lion's State Bowling Tournament is probably on April 16th and 17th at Chippewa Falls, and District Bowling is March 13th at Beloit. Don't have much info on that as yet.
ROSS ROYSTER says that the cost of roses to our club could go up 90 cents a dozen, and carnation, maybe 40 cents. Therefore we had to vote on three options today. Option A.- Charge same price as last, if we sell the same number, we lose $22oo approx. Option B- Increase roses to $18.00, and leave carnations the same, we could make an additional $4,000, or Option C, proposed by WALT PRIDHAM raise each a buck. Plan G won the vote with 20 votes, to 15 for Plan C, and only 3 votes for option A. It is hoped that our carnation sales will increase, we make a lot more on carnations.
Program Chairman PHIL INGWELL introduced our speaker John Daly who is the Principal of Sherman Middle School. Sherman was closed for a number of yeas as a public school. Several years ago Shabazz High School was moved to Sherman, and in the Fall of 1991 Sherman Middle School was started. Actually, Mr. Daly came to us as he was or is investigating the feasibility of having a Lion's Leo Club established st Sherman. Sixth thru eighth grade students are acknowledged as the problem group in a school system. At this age they challenge authority and don't seem to have a purpose. They need a connection to a group. Sherman School has 26 different groups that meet every day before classes with an advisor, and they figure out what community service they can do. For instance, one group works as volunteers at the Northport Drive free clothing center, another works at food pantries, and a third at a day care center. This is unique in the city except for Edgewood where they have a mandatory volunteer program. It was a very interesting program and Mr. Daly is a very good speaker. He is also a scout leader, so kid are really his business and avocation.
Don't forget next week to sit at a table with Eagle Scouts, not to fill up a table with Lion members. You can see them every other Tuesday in the year.