PHIL STOWITTS is our Program Chairman next week. Our speaker will be Stu Jackson the new U. W. men's basketball coach.
This week Lion President JERRY HODDINOTT did not preside at our meeting. Actually it was more of a Dane County Bar Association meeting which we were invited to attend. Lion JIM KEMMETER did start it off after we ate. He acknowledged the presence of Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Heffernan, and Justice Shirley Abrahamson, and Appeals Court Judges Paul Gartzke, Charles Dykman, and William Eich. Also a number of County Judges, and state legislators Fred Risser and Spencer Black and others.
Jack Sweeney, who I guess is the President of the Dane County Bar Assoc. introduced the featured, and only speaker of the day, Wisconsin Attorney General Jim Doyle. Mr. Doyle has an interesting history. His father was Federal Court Judge Jim Doyle. The elder Doyle was also a well-known Democratic Party politician. Attorney General Doyle is a Harvard Law School graduate, graduated at the top of his class. He and his wife served two years in the Peach Corps, and also worked for a couple years at the Navajo Indian Reservation. In January 1991 he became the Wisconsin Attorney General. He talked about how important our U. S. Constitution is, particularly in light of events in Europe and elsewhere. The framers of our Constitution either had great foresight or personal interests, or both, when they made free trade among the states a cornerstone of the document. The courts are always busy interpreting what it means. It is challenged, and changed sometimes. Mr Doyle also answered some questions at the end of his speech. He is a very good speaker, also quite interesting.
The next Board Meeting is October 13th at 6:00 P.M. at Pedro's, 3555 E. Washington Ave.
Don't forget to get in your Holiday Cake order next week. Chairman RICK GORDON would appreciate that. Below we have included a copy of the order form. If you can't get to the meeting please call RICK at 251-0251.
Also don't forget about the First Anniversary Dinner of the Madison Evening Lions Club. That is Oct. 18th, a Sunday, at the Cross Plains Legion Club. Call President JERRY HODDINOTT at 266-9764 for details.
(An order blank appeared here which we are unable to reproduce. 3# fruit cakes were $8.50, 2# fruit cakes were $6.50, 6 flavors of pound cakes were $6.00 and log rolls were $2.00)