RICK GORDON is our Program Chairman next week. Our speaker will be Judge Bob Martin talking about the judicial system. We assume all of our club’s lawyers will be out in force.
Lion President JOHN JENSON presided at this week’s meeting. RAY THIMKE led the song, and ED NEESE gave the invocation. There were no guests.
MANNY VOELTZ says that Feb. 25th is Lion’s Birthdays day. We do not have the names, maybe next week. However, whoever you are will be hearing directly from MANNY in the next week. There are a couple of months to make up.
PHIL INGWELL says we are allowed 9 delegates to the District Convention, plus our 4 Past District Governors. We still need some delegates. PHIL also still needs some help to man his hospitality room. One or two hour shifts on Friday and Saturday are needed. The dates are March 13th and 14th at the Holiday Inn Southeast. If you did not see the pass around sign up sheet today you will have another chance next week.
IRV BRAUN is home from the hospital. His irregular heartbeat problem has been stabilized, and he is home just taking it easy. It may be a while before he can attend any of our meetings. A card or a call will be appreciated.
We heard again about Roses from the team of ROSS and RUSS. The official kickoff for Rose Day is Feb. 25th. We will be having a “dynamic” speaker. Lion BOB KING, who is blind, we do not have the name of his club. We will be needing quite a few volunteers to help deliver. Last year the partner concept seemed to work pretty good, so if you have a partner please advise GREG MILLER. Also, don’t forget that this year Rose Day comes the day after Easter, an awful lot of flowers are sold at Easter time, a lot of them might just as well be our roses. They are guaranteed, free delivery, and a very good price, what else could you want?
We got a report of sorts on our teams’ performance at the recent District Bowling Tournament. KEVIN KUCERA did the talking because apparently he was the only one that equaled or bettered his handicap. He was seventy pins above, everyone else was below average. You don’t win a heck of a lot that way. At least they had fun trying.
The meeting adjourned early so we could take a bus to the U of W Student Union to see the art display of life sized sculptures, busts and masks of famous people. They were very good. Norm Schwartzkopf, the four-star general was very lifelike, also a number of others likeClint Eastwood, President Bush, President Nixon, and other famous people. They also had a life size model of basketball great, Dr. J. (Julius Erving) arm and his hand holding a basketball. His hand is twice the size of mine, and mine aren’t exactly small. It was very interesting, and I think all 23 of us enjoyed it.