Our Program Chairman next week is JIM ROSE. Our speaker will be George Dreckman who works for the City of Madison. He will give us a recycling update.
Lion President JOHN JENSON presided at this week's meeting. RAY THIMKE led the song, and HENRY TURVILLE gave the invocation. PHIL INGWELL came up with a flag for the pledge which was nice. However, we wonder why the Lion Tamer JERRY MILLER did not put a flag out by the head table. We know he was our last TailTwister, and wonder if there is some connection?
Membership Chairman GLENN HOLMES reminds us again that we do need new members. September and October are membership months so bring in some guests, prospective members.
Immediate Past President ROSS ROYSTER recognized DAVE KLEINFELTER for his work on the Eagle Scout Recognition night last February. DAVE received a Lion's tie tac.
ROSS also reminded us to start planning for Rose Day now. (This line will probably be in here every week from now on.) It's a good idea.
RANDY JABLONIC still has some shirts left. So if you need one - you know who to contact. They are nice shirts.
JIM KEMMETER reminds us again that Constitution Day is Septermber 17th. Sign up for sure next week. We want a good representation, certainly need as many Lions as Lawyers!
Tail Twister DENNIS BERTZ has a contest coming up. You have to learn to pronounce or say Go Lum Bee Esskey. So practice. Speaking of the TT, he fined everyone today that did not have on a red tie. ROYSTER tried to save a fine by tying his red belt around his neck, but it didn't work. Our TT has no mercy.
JABO'S phone rang during the middle of the program so he went in behind the kitchen screen to talk. He did not come back out wearing a Superman Suit.
No one knows why MANNY VOELTZ got a whole banana cream pie from the hotel. What goes on? It was reported that MANNY shared the pie with his tablemates, and every one else was envious, as apparently the tapioca pudding we had wasn't as good as usual.
Program Chairman DON GOLUMBIEWSKI introduced our speaker Andrew Papineau. Andy is State Supervisor of Teachers of the Visually Handicapped with the Wis. Dept. of Public Instruction. He is also a member of the Sun Prairie Lions Club. We have a decreasing number of visually handicapped but an increasing number of multiple handicapped. This is due to pregnant women using drugs, and/or alcohol. The State sets up special programs for these handicapped. They have day programs in regular schools with special teachers or in clinics.
Last Chance To Get Directory Changes To Henry Turville - Now or Never!!