DON GOLEMBIEWSKI is our Program Chairman next week. Our speaker will be Andrew Papeneau of the Wis. Dept. of Public Instruction. He is the State Sup0ervisor of Teaches of the Visually Handicapped.
Lion President JOHN JENSON presided at this week's meeting. RAY THIMKE led the song, and JIM BRADLEY gave the invocation. President JOHN reminds everyone that we meet every week from now on. He also announced some Lions Club event like the Cuba City Lioness Club is holding a 5th Anniversary dinner. That will be at Cole Acres C.C. at Cuba City on October 12th, Saturday. The new Madison Evening Lions Club Charter Night is Sept. 22nd, Sunday, at Alexander's Restaurant, dinner at 5:00 PM. Also the Monroe Lions Club is holding a 40th Anniversary celebration. That is Sunday October 13th at the Moose Lodge in Monroe at 6:00 PM. If you are interested in any of these contact President JOHN.
BILL WILCOX held a raffle for two bottles of White Zinfandel wine, the winners were ED NEESE and JOHN EARLY. The proceeds go to help Sec. PHIL INGWELL finance his bid for International Director.
GLENN HOLMES is this year's Membership Chairman. We are down to 89 members so we really need to get new ones. GLENN is going to try for new ideas from some other clubs. Also sponsors of members should be checking to find out why they are not attending our meetings.
Immediate Past President ROSS ROYSTER recognized two more Lions for their service last year. HENRY TURVILLE and your editor (HAL OTTERBACK) were given very nice Lion tie tacks. Thank you.
ROSS also passed out to each member a 1992 ROSE DAY PLANNING sheet. I am not going to review it here because you are supposed to read it and start your plans. In other words don't wait until next April. ROSS may give a quiz on in a month or two.
Program Chairman KEVIN KUCERA reminds the program chairman for the week to be sure and let him know if your speaker requires any special equipment like showing slides. Either advise KEVIN or Lion Tamer JERRY MILLER.
HENRY TURVILLE is, for a short time, still accepting changes for the new directory. If you don't do it soon, you are stuck with the old listing for another year. Just like the phone book.
MANNY VOELTZ conducted the Lions Birthday celebration for May, June, July and August.
JIM KEMMETER will start signing up Lions for Constitution Day next week. The day is September 17th.
Program Chairman AL GOLDSTEIN introduced our speaker Dr. John Rogerson. Dr. Rogerson graduated from Dartmouth College at the head of his class. His is Chief of Orthopedics at Meriter Hospital, and Physicians Plus Medical Group, and a bunch of other organizations. He showed slides, he specializes in Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement) of the hip, elbow, shoulder and knee. It was really interesting to see on the slides how they do surgery by poking a hole in the patient, inserting a TV camera, and operate by watching the TV screen. Also the "space suit" used to keep bacteria from the doctor's body from spreading to the patient. Also keeps blood from being exchanged to prevent AIDS or hepatitis. It was really a fascinating program, and Dr. Rogerson is an accomplished speaker. Just hope we never have to use his services, no matter how good he is at his job.