OUR NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, June 23, at the HoJo on Johnson. Past Pres. JIM BRADLEY, unwilling to leave the head table so soon, is Program Chairman for the day, and he will introduce Randall Alexander, speaking on central city development. Mr. Alexander has successfully refurbished and redeveloped several buildings in the Central City into attractive properties, and has some further plans for the rail corridor which we will hear about.
At our last meeting, the new regime took charge, altho Pres. DALE was a bit tentative on the bell the first couple times. OTTO FESTGE led the singing, and RUSS JACOBSEN gave the invocation, obviously unfazed by the presence of a retired bishop.
Past District Governor PHIL INGWELL presented a Key Member Award to PP JOHN BARD, for having brought in two new members. It's hard to believe that PHIL is Past DG already, considering all we went thru to get him there, but after 120 meetings and 15,000 miles he's ready for a day or two off.
The summer meeting dates have been announced: July 7, July 21, Aug. 4 and Aug.18. The Service Club Summer Olympics are Aug. 19.
Last Tuesday was DEAN JOHNSON's 70th Birthday, and the Club serenaded him with "Happy Birthday", featuring a solo by KARL HOFFMAN. DEAN shared his birthday cake with two or three tables.
HAL OTTERBACK is planning an Eye Bank booth at the Saturday Farmers Market on the Square. For starters, the dates are June 20 and June 27, and he needs volunteers for two-hour hitches. If you can help out, call HAL.
We had a moment of silence in memory of LARRY BAKKEN, our oldest member in years of service, who passed away this week at his home in Illinois.
Pres. DALE announced that our Blind Citizen of the Year Award would be presented to John Beyer, date to be announced. He also announced that the date of the Stoughton Golf Outing and District Governor's Party would be Aug. 11. More on plans later.
BOB FOX, Civic Affairs Chairman, reported that we have volunteered as a Club to take a regularly scheduled turn at helping serve Meals For Madison. Our day is the first Friday, every other month, starting in October. He needs 11 people for each date, so be ready to help when the time comes.
The TailTwister was observed to be peddling an unapproved, spurious "insurance policy" at the last meeting. Since he is obviously an unlicensed agent, the whole scheme is illegal, but typical of the office, he did it anyway. Pending future developments, the "pros" - MATZELLE, DUNCAN, BERTZ, KLIPSTEIN, STOWITTS, OTTERBACK, REISDORF and SCHAR, have decided to let him live, at least for now. Of course, none of us would be part of such a nefarious scheme. The folly of electing a professional Fund Development Specialist as TailTwister is becoming more apparent every day.
A lighter touch in this month's Board of Directors meeting minutes, as the Secretary was elsewhere and the immediate past TT was pressed into service. Once again it may be necessary to censor the remarks before forwarding them to higher authority, but the former TT hasn't lost his edge.
Your Editor's term having come to its end (some would probably say mercifully), HAL OTTERBACK will be the new Editor, starting next week. He has his spreader filled, and he's gotten a fresh supply of needles (from a veterinary medicine house specializing in large animals) so all future news items should go to him. Complaints, as always, should be directed to the 4th Vice President. Your editor bequeaths his four faithful readers to HAL, and thanks to DEAN JOHNSON, TOM FRIEDMAN & GLENN SCHAEFER for faithfully getting the vital Club news items to him every week. It's help like that that makes a job easy!