Hello, out there, all you Lions - remember us? Your editor apologizes for the late arrival of this first BULLetin of the New Year, but he was down and out last week with the flu. Happy New Year, anyway, and here we go again............
OUR NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1985, at the good old Howard Johnson's. Program Chairman for the day is DENNIS URECHE, and he will introduce Doug Newman, of the Friends of WHA-TV, speaking on planned giving at WHA-TV. Presumably he will tell us how much it costs to keep that quality programming coming - we can't have the Boston Pops entirely run off the air by soap operas!
Our last meeting seems so long ago that probably no one really remembers what happened, but as usual the TT was present, and since the schedule was altered by the program he took no chances and fined everybody as soon as they sat down. Guests introduced were Matt Brown, by JABO JABLONIC and TOM FRIEDMAN; Bud Nelson of Great Lakes Data Systems by DEAN JOHNSON (DEAN probably needs him just to keep track of his golf & bowling scoresJ); and Paul Kolberg of Madison Cable Network by RICK GORDON. A former member, Frank "Barney" Gugel came in just in time for the program. The Concert Chorale from East High School, directed by Marcia Martin and accompanied by harpist Mary Ann Harr, presented a fine program of seasonal music.
Everything was backwards except our fearless leader - he started the meeting after the program, and OTTO FESTGE led the singing (after the Choir had left, hopefully), and I. Y. STEIN offered an invocation appropriate to the season - to all seasons, for that matter. Pres. BILL recognized the presence of MAURY PASCH, EDDIE BELL and BOB HUNT, who hadn't been with us much lately - good to have you back, Lions!
ROSS ROYSTER reported on the progress of our "twinning" project with the Club in Chipata, Gambia, presenting us with a banner received from them. They are a very active Club for their size and location, and their Chairman commented in his letter on the friendly contact he had had with our delegate HENRY TURVILLE at the International Convention.
JABO JABLONIC issued his "first final report" on the fruit cake sales. He was down to the last 31 cakes left, he sincerely hoped that all the others which had been checked out were sold, he needed a small amount of help getting those last few sold, and we had a successful campaign. He anticipates a profit for our service project funds of about $3,000, and extended a big "THANK YOU" to all the Lions for their sales efforts!
We all owe JABO and his committee, Lions JENSON, FEMAL, KING, BERTZ, GOLDSTEIN, JOHNSON, HODDINOTT, and KONRAD, a big vote of thanks, too. They have tackled one of the toughest jobs the Club has, and done it well.
"With special thanks to DAVE TOUSSAINT, who painstakingly obtained and saved these strips for our use, a final episode of "Funky Winkerbean and JABO."