NEXT MEETING - our next regular meeting is not until Tuesday, July 18, at the Elks Club. BILL STONE is program chairman for that one, but the program's not set yet. Watch this space for further developments.
There will be NO regular meeting the week of July 3. The All-America City luncheon at the Concourse on Thurs. July 6 takes its place for those of our members who have already gotten their tickets. By the time you read this it'll be too late to get tickets thru the Club as both DAVE TOUSSAINT and BILL STONE will be out of town.
As noted previously, ALEX REISDORF is the new BULLetin Editor, after this issue. ALEX has been observed sharpening his pitchfork and trying to fill his spreader, so if you have news, weather, sports or gossip, funnel them to ALEX. Complaints should, as always, be directed to the 4th Vice President.
At our last meeting, the TT started fast by awarding the Lion of the Week award to BOB HUNT, for putting together the successful Golf Outing. The TT came in attire appropriate for cleaning the garage, or possibly an all-night poker game, and then proceeded to lower the level of the whole gathering by enforcing his own deplorable standard of dress on the whole group, completely ignoring the absence of proper Lion pins and other elements of attire proper to a group of gentlemen. He did manage to take official notice of the one Kiwanis pin present, blaming BOB SMITH for that one.
ED BELL valiantly led our group of monotones in "America", and ALEX REISDORF gave the invocation, unintimidated by the presence of a well-known professional in that field.
JIM BRADLEY reminded us of the Service Club Olympics Aug. 16 at Cherokee.. Reserve your own tee time by calling the club, starting Aug. 1. Other sports start at 12:45 - 1:45 - most are at Cherokee, with volleyball and ping-pong at Monona Grove HS. Dinner is at 7:00 at Cherokee. Nominations for "Mr. Olympics" are now being received.
FRED BRIGHTBILL is checking on the possibility of a charter bus trip for Lions and friends to a Brewer game in Milwaukee. There was a lot of interest shown at the last meeting - more on this later.
The Bored of Directors will meet 7/11 at CJ's Restaurant on Mineral Point Road (across street from Stark Co. West Branch.)
Directory correction-remove Lee Holthaus.
Pres. JACK TREMBLAY knows of a camper, going to the Lions Camp at Rosholt on July 16, who needs a ride. If you can help, call Jack.
It's incredible, we know, but it has to be said - even the TailTwister is entitled to more consideration from his fellow members than he's getting. IT isn't easy to make a fool, er, jokes, every week, and it's a lot harder when people won't listen or can't hear. Verbal ripostes and snide comments are ok, but casual conversation that distracts from any speaker isn't.
Reminder - the ELMER NIELSON's 50th Wedding Anniversary Part at the Elks this Sunday, July 2, from 2-4.