Our meeting attendance woes continue. Six Lions attended our November meeting - and soon-to-be-member Ed Goldfin was one of them. He is the Lion who just moved to Madison from Washington. Technical difficulties prevented the virtual aspect of the meeting.
There was action on the request from the East Madison Special Olympics for funding. We will send them $300. President PHIL will respond to the funding request from a family wishing to attend the Easterseals Wisconsin Respite Camp with advice on the WLF camp. Action was approved to proceed with purchasing the electronic equipment to facilitate virtual meetings.
We have two Red Cross blood drives scheduled. The next one will be on January 5, 10:30am until 3:30pm, and another one on July 18. Both will be in the conference room at Festival Foods.
A $100 donation to WLF in memory of STEVE BRIGGS was approved. Members may add to the club donation or donate directly to WLF.
A $100 donation was also approved for the Beloit Lions Club in honor of their 100th anniversary.
Upcoming Events:
• November 19 - Mount Horeb Lefse Sale
• December 12 - MCLC Meeting