Eight Lions attended our October meeting - one is a Lion who just moved to Madison from Washington and was looking for a suitable club to join. We're still wondering what we have to change to get a bigger attendance. You probably have the answer - please tell us. "I would attend the meeting if …"
We received a letter from the East Madison Special Olympics - the request was tabled for the next meeting. Ditto for a funding request from the Easterseals Wisconsin Respite Camp. President PHIL reported that he delivered a Peace Poster kit to Abundant Life. Our Awards committee is seeking names or organizations worthy of recognition. Contact PHIL if you have suggestions. Ross moved purchasing the electronic equipment to facilitate virtual meetings. Our Board will rule on that at some time in the future.
There was more discussion about the upcoming flower sale, in which it was revealed that there were different perceptions of what was decided at our last meeting. After the current meeting was adjourned, PHIL announced that after speaking with some members, given the tight timeline, the decision was made to cancel the fall project and begin planning for a spring sale.
As you know, meeting attendance has prevented our Board from making decisions. Those present thought it best to ask the membership as a whole to formulate a virtual process for decision voting. An attempt was made to ask all members to respond, but the question was unclear, and only a few responses were received. One suggestion was to use the majority of members present, which sounds ripe for a handful of members making a decision in a smoky back room. Stay tuned for further developments.
Upcoming Events:
• October 17 - Mout Horeb Charter Night Anniversary
• October 18 - Beloit Lions 100 Anniversary
• October 23 - Zones 1 & 2 Meeting
• October 25 - Zones 5 & 6 Meetings
• November 14 - MCLC Meeting