After opening our meeting with the words of inspiration and prayer, President Phil requested that a Peace Poster kit be ordered - he has a possible candidate school in mind.
SCOTT announced that a regular monthly vision screening on the second Saturday from 10:00 until noon at the Goodman Library will begin on September 9. The library staff is very interested in this. Lions working at the screening will need a background check. We had a brief discussion about screening unacompanied children and the number of workers needed.
PHIL suggested that the Goodman Library and the VFW (just south of the Beltline) might be good candidates for a meeting place. The Eye Bank is a great site, but may not be convinient for potential members.
PHIL was curious about how many Melvin Jones and WLF Fellowships we can award, and will investigate.
PHIL also wondered if we should become a cyber club. He suggested that the club purchase sufficient electronics to make that possible. DALE thought that might cost $400 or more.
Stuff the Bus is approaching. There are rumors that Madison West might be doing something on August 12 at HyVee West. There will be Lions at HyVee Fitchburg on August 19. Stay tuned for more last minute information.
Upcoming Events:
• August 12 - Marshall Steak and Lobster Dinner
• August 13 - Janesville Chicken Roast
• August 13 - All-District Zone Meeting
• August 16 - McFarland Food Frenzy
• August 19 - Stuff the Bus
• August 19 - Cuba City Golf Outing
• September 12 - MCLC Meeting