We began our search for a new meeting venue by holding our May meeting at the Goodman Library in the Green Room. Suffice it to say that our attendence did not overfill the small room. There appeared to be a problem with internet connection, and the audio was spotty at best. There is a possibility that in the future, we will be able to provide some of our Lion services at the Library.
JOHN addressed our end-of-year spending by suggesting that we donate $11,605 to LCIF to cover the balance of pledge to achieve Model Club status as previously approved. By completing this pledge now our club will receive recognition at the USA Canada Forum in September. A further $500 to the Eye Bank, $500 to the River Food Pantry, and $1,000 to WLF were included. Since we (once again) did not have a quorum of the Board, this will be voted on by email. This would be partially funded by withdrawing $5,000 from our Raymond James portfolio.
You can still volunteer to work at Bratfest online here. For each hour worked per person, MCLC will receive $10.00. You can volunteer for as many shifts as you like. For each hour worked per person, $10.00 will be paid to MCLC. Bratfest will be May 26, 27, and 28.
Mike Leckrone will be speaking at the Madison West Lions meeting on June 14. He will be talking about COPA, a proposed visual and performing arts facility in Fitchburg. All Madison Lions are invited to attend. If you are interested, notify Rick Daluge (rhdaluge@wisc.edu). The cost for lunch is $11.
Election of Officers: Two motions were requested. The first was to reduce the size of the Board from four elected directors to 2 elected directors each serving a two year term. This will reduce the size of the Board and make it easier to get a quorum so that the board may take official actions. This has been sent to our Board members for a vote by email. The following slate of officers was nominated: President - Phil Ingwell, Vice President - Becky Fraire, Secretary and LCIF Director - John Jenson, Treasurer - Scott Grover, 2 year Director 2023-2025 - Dale Burmester, Carryover Director 2022-2024 - Ross Royster. This motion was sent to all of our members.
Our next blood drive will be on July 20, at Festival. Information on donating will be provided later. And if you can't donate, you can work to assist those who are donating.
We briefly discussed our flower sale. This has been our most successful fund raising event in the past, but due to a lack of interest, it was decided to not do it this year.
We also briefly discussed our highway cleanup. SCOTT indicated that he had not received any response for a specific date.
Our next meeting will be on June 13, and we will be meeting at the Eye Bank. You may bring a lunch with you. We are expecting that this will be both in-person and virtual.
Upcoming Events:
• May 17 - McFarland Lions Food Truck Frenzy - Arnold Larson Park
• May 18 - Beloit Evening Steak Fry
• May 29 - McFarland Lions Memorial Day Chicken BBQ
• June 13 - MCLC Meeting - Eye Bank
• June 14 - Mike Leckrone - HyVee East (reservation required)