Our January business meeting started off with a bang - eight members in attendance, in a variety of virtual ways - some had no video, some had no audio. Modern technology is awe-inspiring. We learned that at our recent Blood Drive, we had at least 27 donors and 2 no-shows. As usual, the Red Cross team was spectacular, as expected. And, at the recent diabetes screenings, we shared work duties with the Fitchburg Lions, the Madison Monona Lions, and the Madison West Lions at the three HyVee stores. The District supplied funding to cover the cost of each screening. The screenings revealed if the people being screened were normal, pre-diabetic, or diabetic.
There was a brief discussion about the upcoming District Convention. PHIL moved to send a $100 donation for convention, DALE seconded, and the motion passed. JOHN revealed that we received a tiny check from Terri Lynn. Are you reminding your friends and neighbors that they can give a gift of candy AND donate to our Foundation.
We turned our attention to the upcoming Holiday Party. Thanks to MICHELLE, the party will be on March 14 (will there be a meeting that day?) at the Great Dane Hilldale. In order to keep the munchies reasonable, there will be an RSVP deadline of February 28 (more on that in a later email). The party will be from 5 until 8, members, partners, guests, and potential members welcome. There will be a gift exchange, with a suggested $10 limit.
We turned our attention back to the District Convention - in addition to the previously mentioned donation, DALE moved and PHIL seconded to buy a half-page ad in the program. We will need to promote member attendance. PHIL moved and DALE seconded giving a $25 gift card for the raffle, and that was passed. There will be no subsidy for members. The registration fee is $20.
There will be a club workshop and discussion about the recent survey report. It should be in person and should be on a weekend. JODI will check with Tammy Rockenbach for a specific date. Attendance will be encouraged. This will provide us with an opportunity to discuss what's right with our club, and what's wrong.
Upcoming Events:
• January 14 - District Bowling
• January 22 - Cabinet Meeting
• January 28 - Dining in the Dark
• February 14 - MCLC Meeting