Our December 27 meeting was our last program meeting. Members voted with their feet, and declining attendance signaled your lack of interest in continuing a long-standing tradition of program meetings. The handful of attendees shared holiday stories.

When was the last time you donated blood? The need is constant and growing. You can donate at our January 6 Blood Drive from noon until five, at Festival, and you can reserve an appointment online now.

Our next meeting on January 10 will be a business meeting, and due to the continuing conflict with Festival's corporate meeting, will be virtual. We are still hunting for a meeting facility that fits our needs. If you have suggestions, please make them known. The Board agreed to continue to meet at noon, on the second Tuesday of each month.

Upcoming Events:
• January 6 - Blood Drive)
• January 10 - Meeting (virtual only)
• January 14 - District Bowling
• January 22 - Cabinet Meeting