At our November business meeting, Council Chair Tammy Rockenbach told us about the Global Membership Approach to planning for our club's success. She provided a great deal of interesting information, but, as usual, you should have been there to hear it.
Among other business topics covered, we discussed our current practice of having a program meeting each month. Declining attendance makes it difficult to find speakers willing to talk. It was the feeling of the group that the members who don't regularly attend should be asked if we should continue the practice. This, of course, led to the question of changing the time of our meetings. Traditionally, a noon meeting worked well, since most of our members worked downtown, and attending a noon luncheon meeting was convenient. Our declining membership has changed that demographic. Should we have one meeting a month, at dinner time, with food service? Are there other possibilities that have not occurred to us? What is your opinion?
That discussion led to a similar question - are we going to have a Holiday Party this year? We've skipped that for the past two years. In the past, the Holiday Party was always well attended, with members who cannot regularly attend meetings, and spouses/partners, and everyone had a chance to converse with everyone. Like a party! There will be an email asking for your input, and your opinion will be considered. Apathy is not the correct response.
OUR NEXT MEETING will be on November 22, and will be a program meeting. At this time, we believe that meeting will be both live-in-person and virtual. However, due to scheduling restraints, the socializing at 11:30 will, again, not be possible. The meeting will start at noon.
Upcoming Events:
• November 17 - Diabetes Testing - HyVee East
• November 18 - Diabetes Testing - HyVee Fitchburg
• November 19 - Diabetes Testing - HyVee West
• November 22 - Program Meeting