At our October 11 business meeting, ROSS presented TailTwister PHIL with a "new" Lion (our old one being apparently misplaced during a previous officer change). In return, PHIL did not fine anyone.
Our next scheduled highway cleanup will be on October 22. Same routine as always - we will meet at 8:30am at the Park'n'Ride at the corner of County Highways N and TT. We will provide safety vests and bags, and gloves, sturdy footwear, and a "grabber" are recommended. Too early for a weather forecast.
Our next blood drive will be January 6, from noon until 5. We believe we're adequately staffed, but blood donors are always welcome, even more so now with the current blood shortage.
We had a short discussion about the project to provide bags for health workers. It was not clear if we were going to make a monetary donation, or just individual donations of materials for the bags. These will be ready for the District Convention.
The topic of candy sales came up. We have not received a check from Terri Lynn in a long time. Does that mean that we as individuals have quit recommending people to go directly to our Terri Lynn link? (Yes, that's a hint.)
The topic of candy sales came up. We have not received a check from Terri Lynn in a long time. Does that mean that we as individuals have quit recommending people to go directly to our Terri Lynn link? (Yes, that's a hint.)
Julie Baglama is trying to organize Diabetes testing at the three Hy-Vee stores. It is possible that Hy-Vee will supply a van. One of the concerns is the cost of the testing, and how to pay for that.
The Lions Eye Bank is organizing a health fair in the spring. Stay tuned for more details.
OUR NEXT MEETING on October 25 will be a program meeting, both live-in-person and virtual. However, due to scheduling restraints, the socializing at 11:30 will not be possible, but the meeting will start at noon.
Upcoming Events:
• October 16 - District Cabinet Meeting
• October 18 - Mount Horeb Lions Club 65th Annual Charter Night
• October 22 - Highway Cleanup
• October 25 - Program Meeting