At our September 13 meeting, we briefly touched on Old Business for Stuff the Bus (check for cash donations at three locations sent to the Foundation for Madison Public Schools, MIKE delivered the actual supplies collected from HyVee East to Sandford School), Highway Cleanup (scheduled for October 22), Peace Poster (kit has been ordered, working with Boys and Girls Club again), Random Tandem (posters delivered to Budget Bike), White Cane event (bucket covers will be sent to PHIL).

The September 24 Deerfield Chili Festival was briefly discussed. Deerfield will provide a tent, there is a $15 entry fee, and the event starts at 8 and ends at 5. Is there enough interest in MCLC to participate? Could we do this next year?

Highway cleanup has been tentatively scheduled for October 22, and BECKY will contact the UW Lions to see if they're interested in helping.

Future meeting location - PHIL said the Dream Bank will not make a decision until late fall. The Elks Club, HyVee East, and the Eye Bank are some alternatives. The stars are aligning for us to continue at Festival for September, October, and November (don't forget that the first meeting in November is also an election day).

District Survey - only nine of our members have participated. If you havn't taken the survey, please do so -

BECKY showed us the plaque that WLF sent to us in celebration of 100 years. Proudly Serving Madison Since 1922!

OUR NEXT MEETING will be September 27. ROSS wil regale us with commentary on his numerous trips to exotic places, and we understand that he will bring actual items he's collected.

Upcoming Events:
• September 17 - Cuba City Lions Golf Outing
• September 21 - McFarland Lions Food Cart Frenzy
• September 27 - Program Meeting