Once again, only a (small) handful of Lions tuned in. Those who did attend couldn't officially take any meaningful action. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Please make an effort to attend - we need you!
OUR NEXT MEETING will be July 26. This will be a virtual-only meeting, on Google Meet http://bitly.com/MCLC-meeting. As usual, social greetings at 11:30am, and meeting to start at noon. We're expecting to hear from 2nd Vice District Governor Ron Wright. This will be another virtual-only meeting, as will both of the August meetings. PHIL is looking to see if we can garner a live meeting place near Festival, and will continue to report any progress.
We already have reservations for donors for our Blood Drive, July 27 (that would be Wednesday), noon until 5pm. This will be live, in the community room at Festival (no conflicts for this). There's increasing need for blood donors. How 'bout you? CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment.
Upcoming Events:
• July 26 - Program Meeting
• July 27 - Blood Drive
• July 30 - Deerfield Golf Outing
• July 30 - Darlington Bacon Beer & Cheese Honky Tonk Festival
• July 31 - Cabinet Meeting
• August 6 - Mt Horeb Golf Outing
• August 9 - Business Meeting