OUR NEXT MEETING will be June 28. Once again, this will be a virtual-only meeting, on Google Meet http://bitly.com/MCLC-meeting. Get your computer or tablet ready at 11:30am for greetings and socializing. Kat Floyd, our speaker, will have to leave early for another commitment, and we may start earlier than our usual noon starting time. She will be telling us more about the recent adaptive climbing event (we provided assistance by funding a suitable tent).
Attendance at our July 14 meeting was less than adequate. We had several items of business to conduct, and this reporter wasn't sure that we had a quorum. Never the less, we persisted, approving payment of most of the remaining items in our donation budget. Our meetings will be virtual-only until September. Please make an effort to attend - we need you!
Upcoming Events:
• June 28 - Program Meeting
• June 28 - Middleton Lions Fish Fry
• July 4 - DeForest Chicken Dinner
• July 12 - Business Meeting