OUR NEXT MEETING will be April 12. The alignment of the stars signifies that this will be a hybrid meeting, on Google Meet http://bitly.com/MCLC-meeting (notice the lower-case m in meeting in the link), and live-in-person. Show up or tune in at 11:30am for greetings and socializing, and the meeting starts at 12:00. This is a Business meeting.
We were fortunate enough to have Lynn Olson at our last meeting. She told us of the many accomodations she's made because of limited vision, allowing her to be able to continue to serve our community. Those of us present to hear her story were inspired (and those of you who weren't missed out).
Flower Sale repeat: Thanks to those of you who have turned in orders, or directed others to submit orders. Our Rose Sale has been our significant fund raiser in the past, and we're looking to recover from our Covid hiatus. We have submitted the information to Felly's so that our flowers can be delivered on April 25. Johnny Kavanaugh has again graciously agreed to let us use LJ's as our distribution center, and the flowers will arrive at 10:00am. We will, of course, be relying on members to provide deliveries. What could be better than seeing the smiles on faces when people receive the flowers.
Upcoming Events:
• April 12 - Business Meeting
• April 23 - Fennimore Lions Puppy Walk
• April 25 - Flower Delivery
• April 26 - Program Meeting2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - Main Ballroom.