OUR NEXT MEETING will be January 25. We're looking forward to the District Zoom Commander showing us how to "Meet" and "Venmo", skills that will come in handy. Lunch at 11:30, meeting at 12:00. Zoom or attend in person. http://bitly.com/MCLC-Meeting
Your Board has decided to bring back our flower sale. The price: $25 for either roses or mixed flowers. Vases will not be sold (think of all those vases from past years, sitting unused behind the Thanksgiving cassarole dish, unfulfilled). Delivery date: April 25th, 2022. Deadline for orders: March 18th, 2022. Historically, our flower sale has been our major fundraiser. Although the delivery date is geared toward Administrative Assistant Day, there are other people who would be thrilled to receive a stunning bouquet. Order flowers for your wife, your husband, your mom, that neighbor down the street who was so helpful, your middle daughter's teacher, or the mechanic who repaired your car when you needed it most. An online order form will be on the web site soon. And plan ahead for delivery.
Upcoming Events:
• January 25 - Program Meeting
• January 29 - District Bowling - Verona
• January 29 - Dining in the Dark - Beloit
• January 30 - District Cabinet Meeting2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - Main Ballroom.