OUR NEXT MEETING will be January 11. This is a Board/Business meeting, and there should be lots of decisions to make for our club's future. You should plan on attending, especially if you are a Board member. Lunch at 11:30, meeting at 12:00. Zoom or attend in person. http://bitly.com/MCLC-Meeting
Our last meeting was less than eventful, with only four stalwarts attending. 'Nuff said.
We held a successful blood drive on January 7, with 20-some donors (an exceptional event at the end of the drive occurred, preventing an exact accounting). Our Red Cross team was very efficient and friendly. Five Lions assisted, and two Lions donated. Our next blood drive has already been scheduled for July 27. Mark your calendars now! The exceptional event, you ask? Just as the last donor was being prepped for her donation, the building fire alarm erupted. Klaxons, flashing lights, and announcements to evacuate the building. As you may know, Festival Foods is in a very large building. This was occurring even in the parking area. The poor Red Cross folks were trying to decide whether to rescue the equipment and donations, or flee for their lives. There have been no reports of a fire, so it might have been a false alarm.
Upcoming Events:
• January 11 - Business Meeting
• January 25 - Program Meeting
• January 29 - District Bowling - Verona
• January 29 - Dining in the Dark - Beloit
• January 30 - District Cabinet Meeting2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - Main Ballroom.