OUR NEXT MEETING will be December 14.
This will be our business meeting for December. If you have business that you'd like attended to, contact our President. Easy to attend, the meeting will be both live (at the Festival) and virtual (at the Zoom).
At our last meeting, we had another one of our best programs. Lion Stacey Troha, Queen of the Lions Eye Bank, gave us the most comprehensive descriptions of the Eye Bank, along with a visual show. Stacey didn't miss a beat, and kept us enthralled. She presented so much information, it was difficult to take notes. Once again, you shoulda been there. Make a note to self: “don't miss another meeting”.
Upcoming Events:
• November 23 - Program Meeting
• December 14 - Business Meeting
• December 28 - Program Meeting
• Jan 7 and July 27 - MCLC sponsored blood drives at Festival Foods
• January 11 - Business Meeting2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.
From the Editor and Publisher on the BULLetin staff, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!