Meeting Day Changes After More Than 90 Years!
We are switching to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, effective this month, November, 2021.

OUR NEXT MEETING will be, as proclaimed above, November 9.

The change in days is necessary to maintain our meeting place at Festival Foods, by avoiding a conflict with Festival's management schedule. Once again, a “hybrid meeting”. The in-person part is at Festival Foods, starting at noon, social and lunch at 11:30. The Zoom part uses the same code as last time, and you should maybe check in a few minutes early, to give the technology time to work.

This is our business meeting for November, and no doubt there will be business. The Editor just doesn't know what business is on the table this time.

At our last meeting, we had one of our best programs in a long time. Wendy Dwyer, whom we know, teamed up with Mike Dengate from Leader Dogs For The Blind, to tell us the story of what they do to provide visually-limited people with a trained Leader Dog to assist them in getting around. As Wendy attests, having the dog is a life-changing factor for those who need them, restoring some of the independence and mobility that is otherwise lost when vision is lost. Leader Dogs For The Blind, located in Michigan, is one of several similar operations in the US that provide canine assistance, but they have been a long-time partner with Lions Clubs in general, and our Club in particular has supported them for years. They not only train the dogs, they bring in blind people to their facility and teach them how to live with a Leader Dog. The training, offered in 5-day, 10-day or 14-day sessions and more extensive and intensive than most similar organizations, focuses on Mobility, and how they can get maximum help from their canine companion. They are the only organization who do this with persons with hearing and visual impairments.

This program provided a great example of what Zoom technology can do to bring participants at differing locations into a single meeting. You get an “in person” feeling with a group from all different places. Technology do have its benefits!

Upcoming Events:
• November 7 - Daylight Savings is Lost
• November 9 - Business Meeting
• November 15 - Region Meeting
• November 23 - Program Meeting

2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30,
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.