Our next (ZOOM) Meeting will be Tuesday, April 20, at 12:00 Noon, with President DALE BURMESTER presiding as usual. Use the same key as before to participate. Join by clicking: http://bitly.com/MCLC-Meeting -or- here.

This is our Program Meeting for April, but one item is the election of officers for our next Lion year, which begins on July 1, 2021.The nominees are:

President - BECKY FRAIRE
Vice President - WENDY DWYER
Secretary - JOHN JENSON
Treasurer - SCOTT GROVER
Tale Twister - PHIL INGWELL
Membership Director - CRAIG BUTLER
Directors (2 yrs) - TERRY SCHAR, TOM STEVENS
Continuing Directors - PHIL INGWELL, ROSS ROYSTER
Past President - DALE BURMESTER

We have “Stuff The Mini” coming up, at Festival Foods this Saturday, April 24, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Plan is to deliver the proceeds to the River Food Pantry afterwards, around 2:30. We could use a couple more Lions to help - call SCOTT GROVER.

At the last meeting, there were a number of items discussed at some length. One was a warranty on our Vision Screening Camera(s). This is seemingly a new offering from the camera company, for a 3 year warranty. Problem is that we have to have a significant number (more than 20) of cameras to secure the current price. It is sounding like this is going to take more work and discussion, and maybe a combined effort from a number of Clubs and Districts that have cameras.

We're working on participating in a Blood Drive July 27, at Hotel Indigo.

We need delegates to the State Convention - and to designate them, we need to know if any of our Club members are planning to attend. Let JOHN JENSON or PHIL INGWELL know.

BECKY FRAIRE is working on this year's Peace Poster contest, in hopes of getting entries from our local schools for this annual Lions International contest. BECKY is also meeting with the Boys and Girls Club.

Our Club will be 100 years old next year, and we plan to observe this significant anniversary with a dinner on May 22 (2022). We will have a guest speaker from Lions International, and JOHN JENSON is the Committee Chairman for this event. It is not true that the Editor has been there since the beginning, but he does remember a lot of those years - a lot of great Lions, fellowship, service and achievement.

Upcoming Events:
• April 20 - Program Meeting
• April 24 - Stuff the Mini
• May 4 - Business Meeting