Our next (ZOOM) Meeting will be Tuesday, April 6, at 12:00 Noon, with President DALE BURMESTER presiding as usual. This is our Business Meeting for April, and one item is the nomination/election of officers for our next Lion year, which begins on July 1, 2021.
Proposed nominees, as best the Editor can determine:
President - BECKY FRAIRE
Vice President - WENDY DWYER
Secretary - JOHN JENSON
Treasurer - SCOTT GROVER
Tale Twister -
Membership Director - CRAIG BUTLER
Directors (2 yrs) - TERRY SCHAR, TOM STEVENS
Continuing Directors - PHIL INGWELL, ROSS ROYSTER
Past President - DALE BURMESTER
There may be other nominations from the floor. Or whatever passes for a floor in the days of Zoom. Question: are we meeting Virtually, Virtuously, or in Virtuality? And should we establish a Board position of Resident Wizard, which is what it may take to keep this stuff going? It does appear that there is some hope for resuming meetings in person, once the herd gets immunized, so if you haven't had your shots yet, GO GET STUCK UP! Remember, you herd that here!
We plan to Stuff the Mini on Saturday, April 24, from 10:00am until 2:00pm, at Festival Foods. We will deliver the proceeds to River Food Pantry at 2:30.
There may be further discussion of our Candy and Nut Sale. And further discussion of screening camera(s) warranties.
Or any more New Business that might be introduced.
We are planning a Centennial observation for the Club some time in 2022, which may be reported on. The Editor does not know how a future activity can be Old Business, but presumes that is where it would fall on the Agenda, if there is one.
At our last meeting, Dennis Urich zoomed in. Wish we could get more folks to do that. Our Words of Wisdom were all about the previous day. “He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.” ~ William Shakespeare 'Julius Caesar' (1599) act 1, sc. 2, l. 191. "Beware the ides of March." ~ William Shakespeare Julius Caesar' (1599) act 1, sc. 2, l. 15. Ides simply referred to the first full moon of a given month, which usually fell between the 13th and 15th. In fact, the Ides of March once signified the new year, which meant celebrations and rejoicing. In the play - and in reality - Julius Caesar was indeed assassinated on the ides of March - March 15 - in the year 44 B.C. The soothsayer tells Caesar to beware the Ides of March. But Caesar doesn't listen.
Tailtwister BECKY asked us to all think of spring/vacations. I knew I had a good/restful vacation when I came home and.... Or, I'm looking forward to.... ROSS bought a motorhome, and is anxious to give it a trip. DALE is headed for Lake Wisconsin. BECKY couldn't find the on/off switch on her vacuum after a restful vacation. PHIL missed his winter trip bbecause of COVID, but will drive/visit in Wisconsin. Dennis will take his granddaughters to Mt. Rushmore. JOHN knows a good vacation is when he has to go to bank to deposit winnings. TOM has no vacation plans. SCOTT thinks everyday is a vacation.
REMINDER: Terri Lynn Nut and Candy Sales - https://mclc.terrilynn.com/. SELL SELL SELL. And remember to use smile.amazon.com. Madison Central Lions Foundation is available for donations. JOHN received a $45 check from “Network for Good” for the Madison Central Foundation.
2022 MCLC 100 Year Committee members are JOHN (chair), MICHELLE, LINDA, PHIL, and JODI. Sunday May 22, 2022. VP Brian Sheehan will be there. Madison Marriott West - main ballroom reserved.
ROSS moved, TERRY seconded, motion to accept slate approved (as above), and the motion was passed.
Peace Poster - JOHN ordered the kit. Blood drive - BECKY - sponsor at US Bank.
“See” you all at the meeting.
Upcoming Events:
• April 6 - Business Meeting
• April 20 - Program Meeting
• April 24 - Stuff the Mini