Our next (ZOOM) Meeting will be Tuesday, March 16, at 12:00 Noon, with President DALE BURMESTER presiding. We will focus on a tool that all Lions should have in their tool-kit, one that most people say is valuable, and one that most people haven't refined yet.
Our last meeting started with timely words of wisdom: “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” - Charles Dickens
The usual items were approved - minutes from the previous business meeting, and our budget-to-date (not much change in income or expenditures). Membership is down to 29. We were reminded to spread the word to all about how easy it is to order items from Terri Lynn. Are you telling someone? ROSS recommends the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Melts with Sea Salt. And, if you order stuff from Amazon, investigate Smile. You can specify MCLC Foundation as the recipient of a portion of your order amount. Every little bit helps.
It will soon be time to (s)elect our officers for 2021-2022. So far, it appears that BECKY will be nominated for President, Vice President is still open, JOHN for Secretary, SCOTT for Treasurer, CRAIG for Membership, and Tail Twister is open. PHIL and ROSS have another year on their terms as Directors, but two Director slots are open. Speak up if you're interested. The idea was floated to have all the members eligible as Directors, and JOHN will investigate.
BECKY is looking for teachers to enter the Peace Poster contest. Let her know if you know an art teacher in Madison. SCOTT is looking at the possibility of doing a Stuff the Mini as a food drive. We were reminded about the District Convention, the State Convention, and the International Convention.
Upcoming Events:
• March 16 - Program Meeting
• April 6 - Business Meeting