Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 19, 2021, with the gavel wielded by President. DALE at noon. A “virtual” on-line meeting, as required by today's circumstances. Use the same Zoom link as previously, or https://causetheworld.zoom.us/j/424641535?pwd=WXExbzFYa1dxdmY2elFubmU4MlhHQT09. Guests welcome!

Once again, our program will be by and about one of our own members. BETTY INGWELL will talk about her collection of jigsaw puzzles, something new to your Editor. Seems like it offers a never-ending way to spend time doing something that would always be new, because no one is ever going to remember which piece goes with which. Of course, there are varying degrees of difficulty, as well as size and type of content. Some are downright diabolical, with nearly identical shapes and colors. We are not making any bad jokes here about puzzled expressions, but you can use up a lot of otherwise tedious winter hours while putting together a big, complicated one.

At out last meeting, there were a couple Centennial items. Apparently, this is the Centennial year for Lions In Wisconsin, and Sec. JOHN JENSON has responded to a questionnaire we got from the State office about events during the first 100 years. There probably won't be any big public celebration because of the virus but our Club's 100th is in 2022, and we have a Committee, chaired by JOHN JENSON. and Including PHIL INGWELL.MICHELLE VETTERKIND, LINDA BERGREN, and JODI BURMESTER, that will plan our Club's observance of the milestone next year.

When you start to think about it, we've done a lot of things in 100 years. And there have been a lot of changes. There's a lot of speculation about what Lions Clubs, and the society we live in, will look like going forward, but it seems certain there will still be people that need our help. What it will look like, where it will be needed, and how we will go about it, are still to be determined, but there are a lot of new tools available, and hopefully the desire to serve will continue to exist. Still to be determined is the extent of the damage done to the "social" aspects of groups like ours by the pandemic, and by the marvels of technological communication now available.

Our old friend, the Nut Sale, is back, in a new and easier variant. You can now direct your friends, colleagues, relatives, employees, and neighbors to participate in our fundraising while at the same time enjoying the premium nuts, gourmet confections, and sweet and savory snack mixes you've learned to love. Add the extra benefit that our work level has diminished. On the front page of our web site, prominently displayed at the top, is a link to Terri Lynn. Those who go there will find a list of all of the items that Terri Lynn has been famous for, and an easy-to-use order form. You can order malted milk balls to be sent to you, to a friend or relative, with online payment. There's even text there that describes why we're trying to raise funds. Easy-peasy. No more turning in orders to LINDA (kudos to her for spearheading this project for so many years), no more requests for belated payment. Orders placed, candy delivered!

Lion ROSS ROYSTER has announced his retirement from his practice. He will surely be missed by his patients and partners, but hopefully he will continue to be a valued member of MCLC.

We have lost a veteran Lion. DALE MUELLER passed away recently, here in Madison. Because of the pandemic, we don't know the circumstances, but in better days he was nearly always on hand for meetings and projects, and he always had a cheerful and friendly greeting to give. We can look at his always-present business card as a fond reminder.

• January 19 - Program Meeting
• January 20 - No Lion Left Behind