Next Meeting- Tuesday, December 1, at Noon. By Zoom, as required by today's circumstances, with Pres. DALE presiding. You can use the same invitation code as last time. If you're not sure of the code, contact DALE BURMESTER or SCOTT.

This will be our last Business Meeting for 2020, but Lionistically it is in the middle of our fiscal year, so there shouldn't be any big decisions to make or deadlines to meet. You should, however, get yourself to the meeting, virtually, of course, just to make sure. With everything brought nearly to a halt by the virus, not much business is there to be done. Hopefully, the vaccine people will be starting to get things back to whatever is left of “Normal.” One of the few items on the agenda, which will appear in the Minutes of the meeting, is the approval of several previous Minutes of previous meetings. We are, procedurally, at least, methodical and persistent.

One unfinished thing seems to persist through the ages - something about some leftover T-shirts from a Scavenger Hunt in 2018. The Editor respectfully suggests that we find a charity that gives away clothing and present them. Of course, if they give the shirts to a needy person who has no overgarment, the scavenger hunt motif might raise social issues. (It takes very little to raise social issues these days.) These may become everlasting - alternate suggestions for disposal are invited.

The Agenda makes mysterious reference to a WI Centennial Survey. Who is surveying whom? And why? For what purpose? Do we need a transit? (surveyor's instrument, in times past.) Apparently, following legendary practice, this item has been dumped on Lion Secretary JOHN. Note that the major part of his title is “secret.” Inquiring minds (Editor/Reporter types) would like to know.

At our last meeting, we lifted a few curtain corners on the remarkable past of our redoubtable Lion ROSS ROYSTER. We knew he'd been knocking around Brazil at one point, but not that he led a funeral procession for the Internal Combustion Engine through the streets of Los Angeles in the very first Earth Day. It does seem that the attempt to proclaim its demise was a trifle premature. Unfortunately, the Editor's hearing problems are not helped by the electronic accents of Zoom, and so if any of ROSS's other secrets/escapades were disclosed he couldn't hear them. If Ross told any good stories in Portuguese, we wouldn't have understood them anyway. While ROSS did not slip into Portuguese, he did relate his story about picking up Earth Day Dignitary Gaylord Nelson at the airport, accompanied by Henry Gibson. BECKY FRAIRE is contemplating a series of similar programs featuring Special Lions from our Club and derived from her questions to members about “what the public doesn't know about you” or words to that effect. Should be interesting.

• December 1 - Business/Board Meeting
• December 15 - Program Meeting
• January 5 - Business/Board Meeting