NEXT MEETING- Tuesday, October 6, 2020, at NOON. On Zoom, which is the “New Normal” for our meetings, for now. You can use the old link if you have it, because apparently the number doesn't change, but if you don't have it contact SCOTT GROVER or DALE BURMESTER for the info.

This is our Business Meeting for October, and it seems like forever since we last met. It must be one of those calendar quirks that cause the interval to vary depending on how the days fall in the 28,29,30 or 31 possibilities. Interval between our first and third Tuesdays is always 14 days, but third-to-first varies. This time it's 21 days.

Business items are few these days, because the virus has a choke hold on just about all the activities we used to discuss as “business.” It's hard to plan for the future when you have no idea what it will look like. For starters, try following the Lions Global Forum on FaceBook. The Global Forum is a world-wide network of discussion of any and all Lion subjects, and if nothing else, it will give you a feel for just how big LCI really is, and how they go about Lion business in societies very different from ours. In the Editor's personal opinion, the future Lions Club that is discussed in this Forum will be very different than the Lions Club he is used to. Maybe better, maybe not, but different!

Our main business topic currently may be the matter of simple survival under the present circumstances. There has been a lot of discussion about this lately, even if not directly labeled as such, but not surprisingly no clear consensus has emerged. The whole situation will probably be a major item of business for this meeting, and beyond.

At the last meeting, Lion Editor presented a Zoom program on the art glass paperweights he collects. It does appear that the program was a pretty good fit for the Zoom format, because, as someone pointed out, all attendees had a pretty good look at the item under discussion at the same time, which would not have been the case had the usual practice of passing the objects from hand to hand been employed. Hopefully, the program sparked some interest in those few Lions who saw it. One advantage of a Zoom program may be that the presenter cannot see if his audience is walking out on him.

Our prospective project of assisting with a free meal gathering in the Bayview area has been cancelled. There may well be some new items on the table, and hopefully we can continue to find new ways to carry out our motto “We Serve.” At least you don't have travel time to participate in our meeting these days, so light up your screens and get to the Meeting. Note that for the last meeting, Pres. DALE appeared to be positioned on top of a very high voltage electric power transmission line tower. In China. You need to be there just to see it all happen.

Providentially, our President, and PDG JODI, were uninjured in a recent occurrence involving their vehicle, their boat, and their boat trailer. They, the trailer, and probably their boat apparently are OK. The car, not so much.

• October 6 - Business/Board Meeting
• October 9 - Deerfield Drive-Thru
• October 10 - Oregon Porktober
• October 20 - Program Meeting
• October 11 - Cabinet Meeting
• November 3 - Business/Board Meeting