NEXT MEETING- Tuesday, September 1, at 12:00 AM. This will be a Board/Business meeting, on Zoom, which is becoming the “New Normal” for our meetings, at least for now. You can use the old link if you have it, because the number doesn't change. If you don't have it, contact SCOTT GROVER or DALE BURMESTER for the info.

Our last meeting was a thoughtful roundtable discussion of some of our current problems.

Dennis Uhrich, zooming in from Inman, Kansas, noted that there were similar issues with his club. They don't have programs because it is embarrassing to have a program presenter with only six members attending.

TERRY Schar felt that it is encouraging that others are having similar problems. At this time, we should think in terms of survival and make sure we're still around post-COVID. Humans are social by nature; Zoom is better than audio-only, but still not the same as seeing people in-person. He suggests that we 1) don't spread ourselves too thin, and 2) don't be in a hurry to shove a new member into a position of leadership.

BECKY FRAIRE summarized her email. Maybe we should have a once a month meeting? Maybe combine clubs and we might have a larger audience for programs? Share stories amongst ourselves?

STEVE BRIGGS believed that because of COVID, some goals are difficult to implement. In the past, we used to visit businesses and drum up new members. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - keep it fun, more than just the Holiday social.

TOM STEVENS enjoys twice a month meetings via Zoom, and understands frustrations with small numbers at meetings to draw in a presenter. He likes BECKY's idea of sharing amongst ourselves. Shifting to a noon start might help others join, like MELISSA.

ROSS ROYSTER also likes BECKY's idea of sharing amongst ourselves. What are you most proud of? Embarrassed about? Interview each other? Learning more about others is very enjoyable. Zoom meetings could be any time.

PHIL INGWELL agreed … all comments were on-task, all timely. MCLC used to have 200+ members. Our membership opportunities are more limited. We have tried to recruit in the past, even with LCI help. There are other virtual clubs throughout the area, and have been for many years. It can be difficult to recruit members that “work”. It may be easier to get them at a noon virtual meeting. We don't know the magic formula, let's keep trying.

SCOTT GROVER originally suggested this as a topic for discussion. We're seeing fewer and fewer members. He likes noon meetings, rather than evenings, but virtual works well. For the time-being, Zoom works well. He would be hesitant to go away from multiple meetings per month, we're in the habit of “Tuesdays”.

DALE BURMESTER - I like noon meetings too.

It is certain that this discussion will continue

• September 1 - Board/Business Meeting
• September 7 - McFarland Lions Chicken Dinner
• September 10 - McFarland Lions Golf Outing
• September 15 - Program Meeting
• October 19 - Triangle Dinner