NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, August 4, at 11:30, social exchange at 11:00. This is a busines meeting via Zoom. If you haven't participated yet, contact Pres DALE for instruction. Pres DALE is also known as the District Zoom Commander. Try to attend. Tending to business is still important.
At our last meeting, we reviewed the listing of eyeglass drop-off locations. The list is now on our web site and the District web site. This should make it easier to answer that popular question. We thanked JOHN for his efforts. It's a rather thankless job and he spends a great deal of time and effort collecting glasses and coordinating the collection. Thank you, JOHN!
There was a short update for Stuff the Bus from Julie Baglama. The collection date for Hy-Vee East will be August 15th, 9am to 1pm. Madison Metro School District will sort/count/distribute supplies after they sit for a few days, regardless of school in-person or virtual this fall. Mask up and volunteer!
BECKY contacted Terri Lynn candy company and we could sell and they would mail/distribute. We just have to “advertise”. BECKY also contacted a local source, but at this time they don't have the resources. Something to keep in mind for the future. BECKY and SCOTT will continue to work on this.
At a previous meeting, we learned of a need we might fill, with a request for assistance with Lawn mowing. That assistance is currently being delivered. Lions Serve!
We were fortunate to have both DG Tammy Rockenbach and 2VDG Al Johnson at our meeting. (Zoom makes this possible!) She thanked us for the invitation to participate in this and other MCLC (Zoom) meetings. This year, she is asking all Lions for “100 Acts of Kindness” during this Lions year.
Other details mentioned: Wisconsin Lions turn 100 in 2021. All are invited to the August 2nd Cabinet Meeting, which will be Zoom. provides lots of opportunities to learn and have fun. On March 13-14, 2021, the 27D1 Convention will be at Chula Vista in WI Dells.
DG Tammy performed our Officer Installation, making each position relate to the District motto this year, Kindness Matters. She may have elected a new Lion Tamer. 2nd VDG Al also spoke about Kindness Matters. Remember to take care of yourself too.
• August 4 - Business/Board Meeting
• Token Creek Brat Sale
• August 15 - Stuff the Bus
• August 18 - Program Meeting
• August 18 - Region 2 Meeting