Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 21. But not your daddy's Lions Club Meeting. The 21st Century wizards in our Club organized and delivered a “virtual” meeting by computer/phone for the first time in our history two weeks ago, and they're going to do it again. Someone, probably Treas. SCOTT and/or Pres. DALE, will be putting out instructions on how to participate. Expect that missive coming soon, under separate cover.
At our last meeting, which was also our first (on-line) meeting, an encouraging number of Lions mastered the technology and participated. We even heard from TOM STEVENS, enjoying the Arizona sun, a welcome bonus. It also points the way for broader participation by Lions who can do the technology but for one reason or another couldn't be at the old “physically present” meetings. So MARK THE TIME: Next Tuesday, April 21, at 11:30 AM, look for the instructions, and participate. Everything you've always enjoyed about Club meetings except the Bakery counter.
At the last meeting, Pres. DALE opened the meeting, and the usual routine approvals of Minutes and Reports from previous meetings were favorable voted upon. The coming year's Officers and Directors were announced:
Vice President- WENDI DWYER
Tale Twister- BECKY FRAIRE
Secretary- JOHN JENSON
Directors- CRAIG BUTLER (Membership)
DALE MUELLER (2nd year)
MIKE KNOWLTON (2nd year)
Our visit to Lions Camp on August 5 is still scheduled, but pending the state of affairs due to the restrictions caused by the COVID Pandemic. The Highway Cleanup is postponed indefinitely for now. Conventions have been cancelled or moved to “on-line” sessions. Our Rose Day flower sale was cancelled, but the possibility of rescheduling it, or something similar, in the Fall is still under consideration. Our service fund payouts continue as budgeted, but our income has not, so we need to try to do some fundraising efforts. We have paid out the remaining budgeted donations for this Lion year, and added an additional donation of $2,700 USD to the River Pantry because of the great additional requests they are receiving due to the many meal-providing operations that have been disrupted by the COVID virus.
“See” you at the next meeting!