Next Meeting - Tuesday January 21, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Program Meeting for the month, and MELISSA NOVINSKI is the Program Host for the day. She will introduce Lion Sri Vasudevan, a Port Washington Lion and retired physician, who has spoken to us before. He is currently Clinical Professor of PM&R at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Lion SRI was appointed as the first “Lion Ambassador for Campaign 100: Empowering Service.” Tuesday, Lion SRI will tell us about Campaign 100 and also provide an update on the Grants for the Flow Cytometer. You may recall he came to a club meeting last year and gave a very moving presentation regarding children's cancer and a device called the Flow Cytometer.
“Campaign 100” is the current drive to replenish the service funds of Lions Clubs International Foundation - LCIF. This is the focal point of service on an international scale, and the repository and source for the Grants made for assistance, emergency and otherwise, all over the world. One of these Grants involved matching funds for a Flow Cytometer at a hospital here in Wisconsin, a key piece of equipment in the fight against childhood cancer. It is in operation, and we may hear about the drive for a second Grant for another one, to be located at the UW Hospital's Carbone Cancer Center here in Madison.
Our last meeting was a Business Meeting, and we learned that a box of scavenger hunt teeshirts have been located. We also learned that our children's vision screening rep has made contact with Shopko Optical to find more information about their vouchers for eyeglass assistance for those under 18 for the 2020 year. The shop manager will get back to us. We still need to find a location for another Bags Tournament and/or Lottery. There was also discussion of the plan to send the Agenda for upcoming meetings to our membership, with recognition that the Tale mailing list can't be used for that purpose because the Tale goes beyond our membership to others who might have an interest in what we are up to. Somehow it seems that the more technology (to save time and effort) we use, the more time and effort we spend on technology. The Editor holds to his previous comment, “Computers are wonderful. They enable us to make mistakes with lightning speed” to which he now adds “and circulate them to untold millions all over the planet.”
It was announced that an organized visit to Lions Camp is scheduled for August 5, 2020. PHIL INGWELL is setting things up, including an option to go by group bus, rather than individual vehicles. More on that later, but put the date on your calendars.
We are reorganizing our list of drop-off box locations for used eyeglasses. JOHN JENSON is working on that one. We need more recognition of where they are, what they do, and who is collecting the glasses for the Club and forwarding them to the processing center at Lions Camp.
We have a Centennial coming up next year, and we should be working on some sort of celebration. Sec. JOHN has lots of history, and volunteers for this are needed.
Incredible as it seems, our District Convention is coming soon - March 13-15 at Chula Vista in Wisconsin Dells. If you want to go, see Sec. JOHN.
Learn about your own service to those in need, as provided by your Lion membership. Come and hear Lion SRI on Tuesday.
Calendar for January:
• January 21 - Program Meeting - Dr Sri, Campaign 100
• January 29 - Zone meeting - American Legion Cross Plains
• February 4 - Business meeting
• February 6 - Children's Vison Screening Training - Dodgeville
• March 8 - West African Cuisine Meal - Cross Plains