Next Meeting - Tuesday December 17, 2019, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Program Meeting for December, and the last one of the year, and we can expect a continuation of the Orientation Program which was begun last time, mostly for our new members but also as an update to those who have been here so long they've forgotten some of the details. Lion organization tables, from the Club level to Lions Club International (LCI), plus the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) will be reviewed, followed by our Service Projects, Fundraising Projects, Promotional Projects, and District, Multiple District (State) and Lions International Service Projects. All you ever wanted to know about Lionism, and in the process hopefully those who hear it will have a better idea of how much good we do, how many places we do it, and how many different kinds of people and places you will be giving a helping hand to, as a Lion member. New and old members alike, please come and hear this.
At our last meeting, the Orientation was begun with some Club history, service, and organization details. We also noted upcoming functions, on which as yet we have no reports.
Donations of $200 to our Lions Youth Exchange Program, and the River Food Pantry, have been approved.
In the orientation process it has been noted that you are a Lion member when you are inducted into a Club, but if you are lucky there will be times, events, experiences and shared information which affect you to the point that you become a LION. Your editor, who has been at this for a long time, has several to share:
At my first visit to Lions Camp at Rosholt, I walked by the dining hall and noted the clamor and clatter going on. I thought “just like my Boy Scout Camp”, and then I thought “Exactly - we are giving those kids an experience they thought they'd never have.”
There was a story in the Lions International magazine about a remote village in Turkey which had been devastated by a major earthquake. The whole place was destroyed, and there was a picture of a man standing in front of a pile of rubble which had been his home. LCIF responded with an emergency Grant, used to purchase a bunch of portable housing units, (think, travel trailer) and immediately delivered them to the village. It doesn't seem like much, unless you can put yourself in that picture and ask “where are my family and I going to eat and sleep.”
A volunteer from one of our Missions to Mexico spoke at one of our meetings and described in detail how, late in the day, a tired volunteer faced a small child hoping for glasses. The volunteer looked at the optical prescription and thought “I can help this kid. This kid has never seen a leaf!” The expression on the kid's face spoke volumes “Do these help, nino?” “Si, Senor.” “Can you see better, nino?” “Si, Senor!” Would you like to keep the glasses, nino?” “SI, SENOR!!!”
I hope all my Lion readers will have moments like these. But for now,
Merry Christmas!
Calendar for December:
• December 17 - Program Meeting - Orientation Part Two
• January 7 - Board/Business Meeting
• January 10, 11, 12 - Lions State Bonspiel
• January 17, 18 - Marshall Lions Fisheree Festival
• January 18 - State Bowling Tournament
• January 19 - Cabinet Meeting
• January 21 - Program Meeting - Dr Sri, Campaign 100
Once again, from the Editor and Publisher on the BULLetin staff, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!