Next Meeting - Tuesday October 15, 2019, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Program Meeting for October, and the speaker is someone known to most of us - former MCLC Lion Jack Heim. Jack is not one to let things like vision loss stand in his way, and it appears that we are about to hear about rock climbing. Maybe it helps not to look down, but we will find out.

At the last meeting, which combined Board of Directors and Regular Meetings, we had the long-awaited quorum of the Board present, and the April Board minutes and Treasurer's Report were formally approved. It appears that when there is no quorum, there can be no official actions, and therefore no official record created that would have to be approved. Wonder if you can look that one up in Rogers Rules of Order?

The discussion noted our contact with the UW Arboretum- they are repairing the boardwalks we built for them 20 years ago. Our efforts are still remembered, but we had to tell them we were fresh out of carpenters at the moment. A fund request from Horizon High School was discussed, but it was concluded we did not have funds available to meet the requested commitment.

The Club has received “Thank You” letters from the Eye Bank, and other recipients of our support.

There was further discussion on the size of our current Board of Directors, and also the possibilities for a Raffle and/or a Bags Tournament this fall, but no decisions were reached. We have scheduled another “Drinks With Santa” for Dec. 14th, and the Board approved expenditure up to $100 for an extended warranty on our Vision Screening Camera.

Highway Cleanup is scheduled for Oct. 26. Hopefully it will not be snowing.

We have five members going to the next Region Meeting. That might be a course record. You do learn a lot about Lionism from these higher-level organizations meetings. A bigger worldview is always encouraging. Lions do a lot of things worldwide that don't get much attention at Club meetings.

An Induction Ceremony is planned for the first meeting in November for our recent new members who have not had a formal induction.

From PID Phil:
Wisconsin Mission is now doing Mission work on the South Dakota Indian Reservation and they are in of the following supplies for a trip in 2 weeks:
• Canned goods of any kind
• Non-perishable items of any kind
• Clothing, preferably winter clothing (coats, mittens, gloves, caps, scarves, etc).
• Please bring to Club meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15 and I will see that they get to the Mission coordinator.

Calendar for October:
• October 15 - Program Meeting
• October 15 - Mount Horeb Lions Club 62nd Charter Night Dinner
• October 26 - Highway Cleanup
• October 30 - Region Meeting
• November 5 - Business Meeting