Next Meeting - Tuesday September 17, 2019, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. Travis Currier (Diversity) and Jim Fletcher (Zone Chair - Verona Lions) are the scheduled speakers.

At our last meeting, There was much discussion, but little formal action because even with the new format combining the Board of Directors formal meeting with the Club “Business” meeting, there still were not enough Lions to make a quorum for Board action. One important item did take place - proposal/applications for two new members were approved. Joining us are:

• Stacey Troha (
• Becky Fraire (

Stacey Troha is the Executive Director of the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin.

There was further discussion of possible Bags Tournament and Raffle fundraisers. Possibilities are being explored.

Drinks With Santa seemed to work pretty well last year, and we are exploring an attempt to do it again.

There was more discussion about the size of our Board of Directors. Apparently, it has nine or ten positions, which would be about 1/3 of our current membership. A further reduction seems in order, and Sec. John Jenson is being consulted on what the formal rules now in effect say about Board membership.

Calendar for September/October:
• September 18 - McFarland Food Cart Frenzy
• September 28 - Deerfield Chili Fest
• October 1 - Business/Board Meeting
• October 13 - Cabinet Meeting
• October 15 - Program Meeting