Next Meeting - Tuesday, Oct.16, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. Another Program Meeting you won’t want to miss! The speaker will be Matthew Whiting. He is an Assistant Band Director of the UW Varsity Band led by the legendary Mike Leckrone and a former band member, and will talk about the band under Mike and his influence on band members and the University in general. You can’t have been in Madison very long if you don’t know the Badger enthusiasm generated by the UW Marching Band and its Director, and this is a chance at an inside look on how it all happens. LINDA BERGREN is the Program Host.
At our last meeting, 9 Lions answered VP DALE’S gavel for order, and TT ADAM, who reportedly has recovered his Lion Bank (thank you) but in a burst of generosity (or unfamiliarity) did not bring it with him, put forth an exercise in which Lions present were to identify a demographic (millenialese for “group of people”) in need of assistance. The notes were gathered and redistributed by drawing, from which the recipients were to suggest some way (project!) in which MCLC could help. This sounds simple, but it’s not - both your Lion conscience and your Lion ingenuity were challenged. Hopefully some sort of summary of this exercise will be reported back to us. This TailTwister is expanding the opportunities of his job in some very interesting, and hopefully promising ways! Way to go, ADAM! Making people actually think is a daunting task these days.
It was reported that there were 42 eye tissue transports in September, of which MCLC did 10. In addition, there was another on the morning of our 10/2 meeting which ended up with us because the October transport dispatch was not yet fully operational. No matter who gets the credit, somebody “Got ‘Er Done”!
Roadside Cleanup went off as scheduled, with 6 Lions and 2 guests collecting 7 bags of trash, which reportedly did not include any golf balls or currency real or fake. The weather was decent, but the grass was long and wet.
Future plans announced were a “Drinks With Santa” affair at LJ’S on Dec. 8 starting at 3:00 PM. The plans include a raffle, and we will hear more of the details. A Holiday Party is also planned for the evening of Dec. 12, at Angelo’s in Monona as before. There will be more Board discussion on this, but it is likely that RSVPs will be needed, and we need everyone to be there with a spouse or other guests. A good party requires participants!
A formal business session was convened, and PHIL INGWELL (via MIKE KNOWLTON, Proxy) made the motion to formally endorse and support the announced candidacy of PDG JODI BURMESTER for International Director from District 27. The motion passed with unanimous acclamation, including two proxy votes cast on behalf of PHIL and JIM RUNDELL and messages of support from MICHELLE VETTERKIND and MELISSA NOVINSKI, who were unable to be present due to job requirements. General atmosphere was “GO FOR IT, JODI !!!” The vote for the nomination by our District will be held at the District Convention next May.
TT ADAM GRASSNICKLE reported that he is working on a new Bike Safety Project for next Spring.
Upcoming Events:
• October 16, Mount Horeb Lions 67th Anniversary
• October 23, Board Meeting
• October 24 Region Meeting
• November 24 Business Meeting