Next Meeting - Tuesday, September 18, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This will be our program meeting for September. The speaker will be Dr. Sri Vasudevan, Project Chairperson of the LCIF Grant, pertaining to the fund raising efforts for a special (REALLY special) piece of medical equipment for research and treatment of pediatric cancer here in Wisconsin.
At our last meeting, the TaleTwister was among those present, but the Lion Bank was not. (It is the Editor's personal opinion that this particular bit of nonsense has run its course. 30 years ago this sort of activity produced a lot of amusement and Lion interaction, but like most of what went on 30 years ago, its popularity, understanding and appeal have dimmed. Just give the Lion TT his badge of office back, and let him get on with building his own traditions.) The inspirational words at the opening: “The amount of satisfaction you get from life depends largely on your own ingenuity, self-sufficiency, and resourcefulness. People who wait around for life to supply their satisfaction usually find boredom instead.” Sounds a lot like the old one “Even if you”re on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there.”
Ongoing discussion included the possible rescheduling of the Scavenger Hunt (with or without lifeboats), another Bags Tournament, upcoming, a Drinks With Santa event in December, a Roadside Cleanup on Sept. 29 (coming up fast, get your boots and your pickup tool out). It was noted that the Madison-Monona Lioness Club was selling treats and candy, (using the same supplier our Club used when we used to do this, with a similar product list) so you can get your old favorites again. No word on whether the Famous Lion Fruitcake is on the list, in case one of your old customers needs another doorstop, but the Editor will try to find out from PHIL INGWELL, who is our most likely source of current information.
Calendar Events:
• September 20-22, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, Columbus, OH
• September 21, Deerfield Lions Fall BBQ
• September 29, Deerfield Lions 5th Annual Chili Fest
• September 30, Cross Plains Lions 40th Anniversary
• October 6, 3rd Annual Intra District Trap Shoot
• October 13, MCLC/Oregon-Brooklyn Bags Tournament
• October 13, Diabetes Fundraiser Concert
• October 14, District Cabinet Meeting