Next Meeting - Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 17, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. District Governor John Elvekrog will be our guest.
For our July 3 meeting, as advertised, the Tailtwister offered a Special Twist - dress like a knight. One Lions wore medieval garb, one Lion wore a Lions shirt, and one Lion did not dress like a knight.
Attendance was beyond slim: BERGREN, GROVER, PARADIS. Apparently, everyone else was preparing for the Fourth or was stranded in Las Vegas (site of the International Convention).
Words of Wisdom: “I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?” - Helen Keller
Old Business:
KATIE reported on the Scavenger Hunt scheduled for August 25th. We NEED volunteers. If people don't step up, we'll have to get other clubs involved. Our Facebook page is updated with an EventBrite link and sign-up. T-shirts are $15 each -- order through this link. Reynolds Park has no reservations that day; we can opt to pay for a reservation or take a chance on the field being free. Consensus of members present thought it wise to secure a reservation. Some sort of grilling process will be used as everyone gathers at the end, food to be purchased at Farmers Market out of Summer Social funds (already budgeted). Need Lion labels for water bottles (DALE to secure labels?). And, the poster can be found here.
Summer Bags Tournament: August 4th at Cherokee Country Club. Registration site: One team signed up so far. [Post Script: a second team has recently registered.] Raffle $10 each or 3/$25 (only 250 printed). If you need a poster for your personal sales, contact SCOTT. Tickets need to be sold! The drawing at 4:00. Ticket stubs MUST be turned in before then! Of course, so will unsold tickets (but you won't have any, right?).
Our Summer Social will be at Cherokee Country Club after the bags tournament, 6pm(ish). Invite a potential member! But be there.
Little Free Library: KEVIN made contact with Parks and found out that the Little Free Library is actually on City Engineering land. He is waiting on a response from a contact with City Engineering.
District Governor Updates:
Our District Governor visit is planned for our July 17 meeting.
It has now been proved that even a few attending Lions can achieve something. Think what we could achieve if more members attended our meetings.