Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 17, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. Sandra Midtlien, from the American Diabetes Association, will be our speaker. There is no truth whatever that you will need a dogsled team to get there, or a snowblower to get in, or an arctic warfare uniform down jacket just to attend. You will not need to bring golf clubs, either, although if the demand was great enough we could probably schedule a meeting at Vitense's heated indoor golf range.
At our last meeting it must be recorded that the Lion Bank was still not present. Perhaps we could get Arthur Conan Doyle (or his spirit) to attend the next one. The rumor of pirates persists. KATIE prepared individual questions related to Easter, Eggs, or April Fools Day, with instructions that the best (and most topical) answer would win. Winner: DALE M, with his “What's up Doc” Bugs Bunny impression. Words of Wisdom: Since this was Election Day (State and MCLC), one word: VOTE! “You must not wait to be elected into office, before you begin to serve. Begin to serve every where you are; in the home, community, school, university, work, hospital, church, market, society, nation and among many other places.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
MELISSA reported on our Flower Sales! ROSS has the most so far. We have orders for 100 mixed flowers, 30 red rose, and 60 mixed roses so far.
TOM STEVENS and SCOTT GROVER assisted at the NESCO Health Fair, along with two Lions from Cross Plains and two from Monticello. They had plenty to do. Two future contacts were made, one for a possible screening for Centro Hispano, and one for a future program.
It was reported that our Board has approved the purchase of one of the new model Vision Screening cameras. It was also told that our team(s) and participation raised $600 USD for Cycle For Sight.
We are still working on a Bags Tournament, possibly at Cherokee Country Club in mid-June. Most of the snow should be gone by then. In the meantime, MIKE KNOWLTON and SCOTT GROVER assisted the UW Campus Club with their Bags event. They had sixteen teams participating.
MCLC officer elections: JOHN presented the following slate of officers:
KEVIN - president, DALE B - VP, JOHN J - secretary and LCIF director, SCOTT - treasurer, ADAM - tailtwister, CRAIG - membership, LINDA and ROSS - carryover directors, and PHIL and KATIE - current directors (new two year term). Those present voted aye for the entire slate.
Upcoming Calendar: April 21 - Officer Training - DALE / JOHN / KEVIN / MIKE / KATIE / AADAM / SCOTT will attend.
April 22 - Feed the Need - River Food Pantry - tickets $40/ea
April 23 - MCLC Flower Delivery
April 24 - MCLC Board Meeting
April 28 - MCLC Highway Cleanup
State convention - Thursday, May 3 - Saturday, May 5 at Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva, WI.