No fooling, our next Tuesday meeting, on April 3 (11:30, on the Mezz, at Festival Foods) will take place without any funny business, unless the TT's Lion Bank should somehow magically reappear. It had better, because while TailTwisters are by nature tolerant, kind and generous, they do have both limits to their patience and limitless opportunities for revenge.
The next meeting IS a business meeting, and there should be plenty to discuss, starting with the fact that Rose Day is less than three weeks away. There's the now-muddled question of when and where to have another Bags Tournament, and Conventions past and future, and the usual round of the game “Where's the DG This Week?”
If children's vision screening is more to your taste, we're assisting with the Children's Resource Fair on Wednesday, April 4 at the Children's Museum. Set up at 3;30, done by 7:00. Lots of fun watching the kids play at the Museum, rewarding if we can alert a parent about a potential - and correctable - vision problem in their young children. Let Scott know if you can make it.
Hopefully we will have a report on the NESCO Health Fair. It would be good for the membership to be reminded what we have done and can do for this event.
We hear that about seven of our officers are going to the Officer Training event for our District later this month. It's really a good thing to have our officer team up to speed on the latest policies, projects, ideas and methods for today's Lion landscape, and certain all members should appreciate the time and energy they put in. Of course, there's a hidden benefit for the trainee - any “Past” Anything will attest that you learn a lot at Lion training and business sessions that you can put to use at other times and places.
Today's Wis. State Journal reports the passing of Lenora Neese, wife of long-time Club Secretary ED NEESE. Our condolences go out to ED and his family. Ed was known for one of his guiding principles as Editor of the Club Bulletin in the 1960s - “I always want to give credit where credit is due.” The fact that he was at that time Manager of the Credit Bureau of Madison might have been related to that.
Last meeting started with Words of Wisdom related to St. Patrick's Day -
“May you have the hindsight to know where you've been,
The foresight to know where you are going,
And the insight to know when you have gone too far.”
Good thought.
The TT assigned a Lego project to those present. We just toyed with the question, but Don Golembiewski apparently drew on his memory to complete a Lego Lion. Now we just have to find the real (Bank) one.
Don introduced his wife Irene, of Team Survivor. (TSM) is an activity focused organization of and for women who are cancer survivors. Their mission is to provide support by offering fitness activities and health improvement opportunities for members. Irene is the current TSM president. “Best kept secret - Support group that isn't a support group”... TSM provide activities, but don't necessarily talk about cancer. They offer free or low-cost activities ... do not turn anyone away based on their ability to pay. Among other activities, they attend various Dragon boat festival(s). TSM has their own Dragon Boat.
March was our month for Eye Tissue Transport - 6 MCLC members have transported already this month (West has 8), LINDA, STEVE, DALE B, PHIL, JOHN, TOM (2 boxes), and Bernie Stoudt.
Most of the news items in this Tale are the work of Ace Reporter SCOTT GROVER.