Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 16, 2018 on the Mezz at Festival Foods On East Washington Ave. Announced starting time is 11:30 AM. And we have a program on the agenda, procured by MELISSA NOVINSKI. Karin Krause will tell us about an organization she works with, Hope and a Future. They are creating an intergenerational community where young and old can draw on each other’s strengths to serve each other’s needs. That’s a pretty tall order, but we will have it all explained.
Our last meeting was held on the first working day of the New Year and we found out there was a lot going on. Our Bags Tournament Boards have found a new home in a garage at ROSS ROYSTER’S place, and he and SCOTT GROVER recently moved them there from the (expensive) commercial storage area where they had been. Many thanks to Ross for providing the new storage location.
We need a depot location for the Rose Day Sale. One room, first floor access for carrying in and out, medium size, big enuf to handle several of the insulated flower cooler boxes, preferably in a somewhat central location with close parking and easy acess to the main roads. Just one day (April 23) is enough. Tell SCOTT. Oh, and start looking at your list of flower purchasers (hint, hint).
The District Bowling Tournament will be Jan. 27 in Waunakee. All team members must be Lions. If you have an urge to kegle, check with John Jenson.
District Governor JODI has been continuing her mad dash crisscrossing the State for the myriad of meetings that the job requires, and she hit the jackpot at a recent one in Plover (wherever that is) when she was elected Chairman of the District 27 Council of Governors for the 2018-2019 Lion Year! This is a deserved recognition of the time and effort she has put in on Lion business in the past few months and years, and also of her ability to lead a big pack of Lions without being clawed to pieces. Congratulations, JODI!
The Annual District 27D-1 Convention will be at Chula Vista at Wisconsin Dells on March 10 and 11. Our Club traditionally pays for the registration of delegates, and Sec. JOHN JENSON presides over the process for our members who want to go. You should go, particularly if you’ve never been to one, so see JOHN.
The past few Lions Tales have been made possible only by the continued efforts of ace reporters DALE BURMESTER and SCOTT GROVER. They bring in all the info, so all the Editor really has to do is to assemble it on one page. Thanks, Lions!