Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 2, 2018 on the Mezz at Festival Foods On East Washington Ave. Announced starting time is 11:30, and since we are getting the earliest possible start on the New Year, those in charge will no doubt have some new business morsels to consider. Hopefully your car will still start and you can get there.
One ongoing issue is the storage place for our prized Bag Tournament game boards. Presently stuck in expensive rental storage space, we have heard that Lion ROSS ROYSTER has excavated some space somewhere, and if all goes well the boards will soon be in a better (free!) place.
There were 11 representatives of MCLC reported at the Celebration of Life for the late Lion DAN STOUDT. The room was packed solid by Dan's friends and family in remembrance of his life. DAN never met a person he didn't like, and apparently all of them were there.
Our last meeting was headlined by a visit from our District Governor, JODI BURMESTER. As expected, she delivered an enthusiastic address about Lions goals and missions, as related to Madison Central Lions. There is lots for Lions to do, and JODI is leading the charge. She also spoke about the impact of her Lion experience on her own life. Taking an active role in Lion service can add a great deal to your life experience. If you give a lot, you get a lot in return.
The meeting was formally opened by VP DALE BURMESTER, who included in his remarks a quote from the Editor's idol, Winston Churchill, who once said “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” There were 13 Lions in attendance, much appreciated.
Rose Day this year will be April 23. We will have to replace the irreplaceable - MELISSA will be unavailable that day. Otherwise it's business as usual - start selling early and often, and be there on that day to help deliver. You will hear this theme regularly for the next 3½ months, so clear your calendar and get out your order pad! We're looking for a new distribution center - suggestions welcome.
JODI told us the District Convention will be March 10-11, 2018, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. Sec. JOHN JENSON keeps track of our delegates, so let him know if you plan to go. Our Club will pay your Registration fee if you sign up with JOHN. A chance to widen your worldview of Lions.
New Lion KATIE from the Fundraising Committee rolled out the plans for a new event - a Scavenger Hunt, for sometime in the Spring when the weather improves. Some host locations have already been planned out.
We have some ongoing service projects - KATIE is knitting baby caps for the Heart Association and can email you directions to the pattern, BETTY INGWELL got a “thank you” from UW Health for donated fleece blankets, and there being a quorum present, the Board voted a donation of $100 to the Brailleists.
“This edition of the Lions Tale was made possible by the work of ace reporters DALE BURMESTER and SCOTT GROVER. Thank you!

The Publisher, Editor, and all Reporters wish you a very Happy Holidays!