Our next meeting will be MONDAY night, Dec. 4 - our Holiday Party at Angelo's on Monona Drive. Official start time 5:30, but come whenever. There will be food, cash bar, and lots of merriment and song. It will also be a Birthday Celebration for everyone, so bring a modest gift. There is one in hand already, all the way from Hawai'i. Remember that what is really being celebrated is your years of Lion service so everyone please come and be appreciated!
THERE WILL BE NO regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 5. We will, however, meet as usual on December 19 at Festival Foods. No word as yet about a program.
Our last meeting was opened by VP DALE BURMESTER with a quote from Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
The request for storage space for the Bags Boards was repeated. We have one generous offer, but the space access is reported to be difficult, and we still need to find a spot that can be used without breaking something or someone in the process.
We got a “thank you” letter from the River Pantry for the substantial contribution that we sent them for Thanksgiving dinners.
It was reported that Lion DAN STOUDT had been hospitalized after a fall at home, and we have since learned that he passed away at Agrace Hospice, with funeral plans pending. We have lost a veteran pillar of our Club, whose cheerful approach to life will long be remembered. He was one of those Lions you could depend on to be there when help was needed.
The speaker was Shiela Reeves, who gave a well-illustrated talk on the use of visuals in technology, enjoyed by those who saw and heard it. Apparently there are lots of times where visuals convey information much better than words, and as the Editor was not able to be present, this is one of them.
We were reminded that there will be no noon meeting on Tuesday next week, but we will meet on Tuesday, December 19.