Next Meeting - Tuesday, August 15, at noon, at the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant, as usual. CRAIG BUTLER is the Program Host (a term coined by Alex Wong, not heard for a while) and he will introduce Steve Theisen, Project Communications Manager, I-39/90 Project and Verona Road Project, Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Mr. Theisen says “I can answer questions related to the Verona Road Project and the High Point Road bridge replacement project; however, questions about Madison streets should be directed to City of Madison Engineering. Also, I do not have any information on the current transportation budget status, nor potential funding solutions (i.e., gas tax, tolling, etc.).” They’ve poured a lot of concrete in front of Home Depot the last couple years, and if you’ve driven through it at rush hour you probably think there’s still not enough. Here’s a chance to learn how far along this enormously expensive project is, and what is still to come. But, from his disclaimer, don’t expect to find out how it’s paid for. Madison streets are a separate subject, and you can’t blame him for pointing the finger where it belongs. It is not true, however, that Madison street repairs have been sidelined by a dentist’s association looking for more loose teeth to fix.
As this is written, Buses are being Stuffed, let by Lion DG JODI BURMESTER. Presumably she could still use some sorting help next Saturday, Aug. 19, 9 AM to noon, at [location to be determined]. Still time to volunteer. NBC 15, WMTV, gave us some nice publicity for the event during the last couple days’ programming, headlined by JODI’s video about the project.
Our last gathering was the Summer Social at Vitense Golfland. LINDA BERGREN did the event management, including the drawing of Raffle winners, and from all accounts a good time was had by all. Certainly the food was good. One of CRAIG BUTLER’s buyers won the Packer tickets, JOHN (he always wins) JENSON won the Badger tickets, and one of ADAM GRASSNICKLE’s buyers won the Mallards set.
As befits a good party, the room was noisy, but TailTwister ADAM GRASSNICKLE persisted with a stream of trivia questions. Couldn’t hear either the questions or the answers, but some of the quick-minded winners with the right answers were ROSS ROYSTER, JODI BURMESTER, KEVIN GOKE, SCOTT GROVER, BERNIE STOUDT and PHIL INGWELL.
See you at the Coliseum next Tuesday. At the last meeting we all got to order off the menu again, so it is worth coming just to see what happens next. Lots of choices on the menu.
The Editor once sat next to a veteran Lion from another Club at the Lions Camp visitor’s lunch. Noticing a number of membership awards on his vest (remember those?), he was queried as to how he did it. The reply was simple and brief - “Just Ask.”